The Enforcer | pt

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The Enforcer is a black-and-white 1951 film noir, starring Humphrey Bogart. Based on the Murder, Inc. trials, the plot unfolds largely in flashback. Directed by Bretaigne Windust with uncredited help from Raoul Walsh, who shot most of the film's suspenseful moments, including the ending. The opening narration is voiced by Estes Kefauver, who was chairing a Senate investigation into organized crime in 1951.

Bogart stars as a crusading district attorney working against the clock to prosecute a mob boss named Albert Mondoza, played by Everett Sloane. Bogart reviews his case, via movie flashbacks, against the racketeer, who has tried to killed off anyone that has threatened to testify against him.

Director Bretaigne Windust (an accomplished Broadway director) fell seriously ill during the beginning of shooting, so Raoul Walsh was brought in to finish the film. Walsh refused to take credit for the film calling it Windust's work. .