Birgit Õigemeel | pt

Birgit Nilsson,17 de Maio de 1918 - 25 de Dezembro de 2005.Foi uma Soprano Suéca de grande expressão,teve seu auge em trabalhos operísticos no final da década de 40 e nas décadas de 50 e 60.Seu repertório foi bastante variado incluindo Wagner,Tchaikovsky,Mozart,Strauss,além de Puccini e Verdi. .
Birgitta Haukdal Brynjarsdóttir (born July 28, 1979) is a pop singer who comes from the small town of Húsavík in Iceland. For most of her life she has lived in the northern part of Iceland. In November 1999 Haukdal replaced the then lead vocalist of the pop group Írafár. They released their first single "Hvar er ég?" ("Where am I?") in the summer of 2000, followed by two more singles in 2001. The band signed a recording contract with Iceland’s biggest record company, Skífan in 2002, releasing their first album "Allt sem ég sé" ("All I see") in early November....
Birgit Õigemeel ( 24 Setembro1988 Kohila, Estonia) é uma cantora estoniana que venceu a 1ªedição do programa "Eesti otsib superstaari"(Estonian Idols). Em 2007, no festival italiano "L'Olivo d'Oro" (Golden Olive) Birgit foi a primeira não italiana a receber o prémio "Golden Olive Branch". Em 2013 será a representante da Estonia no Eurovision Song Contest 2013 em Malmö, Suécia. Ela esteve tambem envolvida em várias de peças de teatro:Em 2007 fez o papel de Sylvia em "Two Gentlemen Of Verona". Em 2010 apareceu várias vezes no popular musical rock "Peko". .
Birgitte Alsted (born 15 June 1942 in Odense) is a Danish violinist, teacher and composer, educated at the Royal Danish Academy of Music and in Warsaw. She has done much within the electronic music and often uses creative expressions, which includes other forms. Thus, she has been a part in theater and performance / dance in Denmark. Her work list, besides the music theater includes works for soloists and chamber ensembles, often unconventional compositions and the use of acoustic instruments. Birgitte Alsted also worked some with multimedia performances in which the use of electronic resources, poetry, dance and slides have...