Swallow | pt

"Judging by the moniker, you don't get a prize for guessing these New Yorkers are graduates of the Cult Of Neur-Isis school. Colossal guitars and drums that swing between tectonic riffing and shimmering clarity. Where Swallow The Ocean differes is in their excellent clean vocals and their ability to bump up tempos beyond 'glacial'." -TERRORIZER MAGAZINE "Heavily influenced by the modal textures and ocean themes of groups like Isis, Swallow the Ocean have a way of making you feel like the floor has just dropped out from under your feet." -THE HARTFORD ADVOCATE .
Swallowed By Apathy was formed with the goal of creating a unique style of Progressive Metal. Founded in 2010 by guitarist/vocalist Brandon Mitchell, the band draws influence from all across the metal spectrum. Since their inception they have worked diligently to develop a sound that differs from the norm in today's metal scene. Within the first year of being formed the band had released an EP as well as their full-length debut album,"Dysgenesis". "Dysgenesis" was mixed/mastered by former Mutiny Within vocalist, Chris Clancy. Now with a new line-up in the works Swallowed By Apathy plans to take the live environment...
Swallowing Shit was possibly one of the most extreme musical projects ever to come out of the prairie wasteland known as Winnipeg - unrelenting and hideous, their particular brand of political grindcore remains in a league of its own. Swallowing Shit's last show occurred June, 1997, at the West End Cultural Centre in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Picketed and stormed by nearly 300 Christians angered by their smash radio hit "Pro-Abortion, Anti-Christ", the show signaled the end of an era in Winnipeg, as the band were subsequently banned from public performance by city council, citing an obscure and hitherto unenforced 103-year old...
Steve Swallow nasceu a quatro de outubro de 1940 em Fair Lawn, New Jersey. Swallow foi durante muito tempo o baixista elétrico favorito de muitos críticos de jazz, em razão dele tocar seu instrumento de uma maneira bem roqueira. Swallow enfatiza as notas altas e o seu baixo elétrico, se aproximava de uma guitarra. Quando ele era adolescente, começou tocando piano e trompete antes de se decidir pelo baixo acústico. Swallow se uniu ao Paul Bley Trio em 1960 e com Bley fez parte da versão vanguardista do Jimmy Giuffre 3 durante 1960-1962. Swallow gravou com George Russell e foi...
There are three bands with the same name: Swallow (American band), Swallow (British band) and Swallow (Seattle band). Swallow (American band): Swallow was a rock band from the Boston area. Formed in 1969, they were extant for five years, touring with Traffic, the Supremes and B.B. King[1] and headlining area venues on their own.[2] Somewhat unusuallly for a rock band, Swallow included a horn section, so there were initially eleven members in the band. Band members included Vern Miller from the Remains who wrote most of the band's songs, and blind blues singer George Leh. Swallow released two albums on...