Ramses (Mex) | pt

Ramses Shaffy (born in Neuilly-sur-Seine, Paris, France - 29 August 1933 - 1 December 2009 - Amsterdam, The Netherlands) was a Dutch singer, chansonnier, and actor. He became popular during the 1960s. His most famous songs include Sammy, Zing-Vecht-Huil-Bid-Lach-Werk En Bewonder (Sing, fight, cry, pray, laugh, work and admire), We zullen doorgaan (We shall go on), Pastorale and Laat me (Leave me be). He frequently collaborated with Dutch singer Liesbeth List. Shaffy was born in Paris, in the suburb Neuilly-sur-Seine. His father was an Egyptian diplomat, his mother was a Polish duchess from Russian descent. He grew up with her...
Ramses tem a sonoridade Hard Rock típica das grandes bandas da década de 70 como o Iron Butterfly, Deep Purple e Uriah Heep, com a forte veia sinfônica típica na Alemanha, como o Eloy e o Novalis. Os vocais em inglês são exercidos com muita competência por Herbert Natho, Hans D. Klinkhammer no baixo, Norbert Langhorst na guitarra, Reinhard Schröter na bateria e Winfried Langhorst no teclado completam o line-up. La Leyla é o debut do Ramses, posteriromente lançaram mais 2 discos e pelo que sei estavam realizando shows até 2006. La Leyla alterna momentos calmos e suaves com partes...