Chip Chip | pt

Trilha sonora do filme, Alvin and The Chipmunks, famoso desenho conhecido no Brasil como Os Pestinhas e em Portugal como Alvin e os Esquilos. O filme retrata a vida de Dave Seville muda quando ele se depara com 3 esquilos (Simon, Alvin e Theodore) que falam. Nisto, ele põe os fora de casa, pois, não acha natural esquilos falarem, mas quando os ouve cantar ele muda de ideia e lhes pergunta se eles podem cantar as musicas dele, pois Dave é um compositor que já tentou entrar na Jett Records, uma grande empresa de gravadores de música. Ian, dono da...
The most important members of Blue Chip Orchestra were the Austrian musicians Hubert Bognermayr and Harald Zuschrader. Their 1988 debut album instantly gained international acclaim. Hubert Bognermayr was the founder of the Blue Chip Orchestra, as well as its project designer, engineer and Fairlight computer specialist. A pioneer of computer-acoustic music, Bognermayr programed and played synthesizers and samplers, and create sound treatments. In the 1970's he was the head of the famous Austrian Symphonic Rock Group Eela Craig and, together with Ulrich Rutzel (President of Erdenklang Records and producer of Blue Chip Orchestra), founded The Ars Electronica festival for electronic...