Soniq Vision | pt

DubVision, based in the Netherlands, is an upcoming producer/ dj duo. Providing dancefloors with energetic tunes, DubVision seems to be a big promise for the future. Dubvision consist of two Dutch brothers, Victor Volt and Stephen Noque. Their passion for music has led to great tracks, getting a lot of support at the moment. They are known for their uplifting melodies and big beats. With a style variating from progressive, tech-house to sweet house tunes, the duo covers a wide dance floor market. Remember the name, cause you'll be hearing it a lot. .
Inner Vision Labratory is a musical project brought into existance by polish artist/musician Karol Skrzypiec. It has been created in March 2005.Stylistically the project is to be qualified as basically industrial dark ambient. Nevertheless, it also includes elements of ethnic music, classical music, et al. The first recordings resulted in the creation of Set Of Several Illustrations album. Next records evolved from simple experiments to widely extended pictoral music. Serial Albums have been released by labels such as Rage In Eden, Zoharum, No Angels Productions, Beast Of Prey. Next records evolved from simple experiments to widely extended pictoral and conceptual...
Vision Divine é uma banda fundada na Itália em 1998, criada originalmente como projeto solo do guitarrista Olaf Thörsen que, na época, ainda era guitarrista do Labyrinth. Embora seu objetivo inicial fosse a criação de um projeto solo, tão logo começou e ele teve a colaboração, outra vez, do vocalista Fabio Lione (de Labyrinth e Rhapsody of Fire, que trabalhou com Olaf no álbum "No Limits") e o projeto solo rapidamente tomou rumo e se transformou numa banda de verdade, cujo nome é a combinação de "Vision" (antigo nome do Labyrinth, de quando Olaf criou a banda) e "Divine", o...