Aias | pt

O Grupo 7 Saias é um grupo marcadamente popular. O Grupo 7 Saias, tal como o nome indica, é constituído por 7 mulheres, que tocam 7 instrumentos e possuem 7 magníficas vozes. Com uma sonoridade fabulosa, o Grupo 7 Saias consegue uma mistura de música tradicional com a música moderna numa harmonia ímpar. O Grupo 7 Saias reaviva a os sons da música portuguesa e interpreta as nossas raízes musicais de forma colorida, alegre e despretensiosa, pela sua sonoridade e mistura de instrumentos diversos, mas que se completam de uma forma única. .
Aias are Gaia, Laia and Miriam. Gaia sings and plays guitar. Laia sings and plays drums and Miriam sings and plays bass. And the three together they try to make songs for anyone else to sing. Pop with distortion, lots of "oooos" and vocal harmonies in in a cave with endless ceilings sung in their native Catalan (not Spanish, mind you!) Aias began as a birthday party band and by surprise ended up being a band for real, or at least that's their current intention. The desire to win in the fight against the instrument itself, the need to shout...
Esaias Reusner (the Younger) (29 April 1636, Löwenberg in Silesia, now Lwówek Śląski, Poland – 1 May 1679, Berlin, Germany) was a German lutenist and composer. His first lute teacher was his father Esaias (lutenist to the Prince of Bernstadt). He was a child prodigy and together with his father he traveled and performed at various courts. He wrote two collections of lute suites - Deliciae testudinis and Neue Lauten-früchte. In the years from 1655 to 1672, he was in the service of the duke of Silesia. Thereafter, he worked for a short time as a flute and lute teacher...
Juan David Martínez (vocals), Hernán Yepes (guitar), Juan David Palacio (guitar), Johan Lain (bass), Juan Miguel Góngora (keyboards), Andrés Merchan (drums) They have 2 albums, "Vite" at 2000 and "Scarlet Visions" at 2004. Official Website Esencia Tematica La naturaleza humana, el interior de sus derrotas y fracasos, la agonia y penitencia en busca de la luz, la impotencia. Nuestra esencia brota desde las raices, nuestra savia es la profunda melancolía y la tristeza del ser. Gótico, por el aire de romanticismo trágico, por buscar la cúspide de luz para lograr la mas alta caida, por comprender lo bello en el...