Meine Freundin CONNI | pt

Joseph Raymond Conniff (1916- 2002) foi um músico norte-americano, considerado o rei do Easy Listening. Desde criança, Ray, nascido Joseph Raymond Conniff, parecia predestinado a seguir a carreira musical, já que o pai era trombonista e a mãe pianista. Foi natural, pois, que seguisse o caminho da carreira musical. Conforme Ray contava em suas entrevistas, fez um curso por correspondência, com um único dólar, que o introduziu na arte da teoria musical. Formou o seu primeiro grupo artístico ainda adolescente. Anos mais tarde, aperfeiçoou-se de forma profunda na carreira, ao se tornar discípulo da Escola Julliard de Música. Depois de...
Connie Dover is an American singer-songwriter who primarily writes and performs Celtic music. Born in Arkansas and raised in Missouri, she started her career playing bluegrass music before joining Celtic band Scartaglen in the early 1980s. In the 1990s, she began a solo career; she has released four solo albums since 1991's Somebody, all on Taylor Park Music. .
Connie Isabelle Kaldor, CM (born 9 May 1953) is a Canadian folk singer/songwriter. She is the recipient of three Juno awards. Born in Regina, Saskatchewan, she graduated from Campbell Collegiate in Regina in 1972 and the University of Alberta in 1976 with a BFA degree in theatre. She performed with various theatre groups, including Theatre Passe Muraille, The Mummers and 25th Street House Theatre, until 1979, when she gave it up to start a full-time music career. In 1981, she founded her own independent record label, Coyote Entertainment, and has released fourteen albums. In 1997 she was featured performer in...
Wild and crazy, danceable and swinging, Meine Kleine Deutsche stamps out boredom by grabbing it at the jugular. Torchbearers of the finest punk sounds from both the 60’s and the 70’s – revised to yesterday’s sounds played today like there’s no tomorrow. .
The South Florida native, who aspired to perform since childhood, Connie realized her dreams after a friend introduced her to the legendary music producer, Henry Stone. Stone, best known as the co-owner and president of TK Records with a career spaning R&B in the early 1950s through the disco boom of the 1970s to the present day, would go on to become the executive producer of Connie's 1985 debut single "Funky Little Beat", catapulting the young singer onto the international music scene. In 1986, while under the Sonte's Sunnyview Record label, Connie released her second single "Experience", which along with...
Encontrado 12 canções, duração: 01:09:16
Spuk auf dem Dachboden
Meine Freundin Conni (Intro Song)
Meine Freundin Conni (Outro Song)
Titellied "Meine Freundin Conn
Die Schneekugel
Expedition Nordpol
Nichts als Regen
Ist so kalt der Winter
Die Ferienkatze
Ein schwarzer Tag