Mando Diao#4 | pt

Comando Tiburón é um quarteto panamenho formado por: DJ Rolo, DJ Flecha, DJ Magnetico y DJ Phantom. História: Comando Tiburón foi fundado em 2000 com 4 antigos DJ's de rádio: DJ Flecha, DJ Rolo, DJ Andy e DJ Magnetico com a idéia de gravar músicas e ritmos para dar uma mudada nas musicas que eles tocaram por muitos anos em festas, boates e estações de rádio do Panamá. Em 2004 um grande número de faixas gravadas, o grupo assina com a Sony Music para distribuí-los em toda a América Central, seu novo CD "Comando Tiburon", que mistura vários ritmos como...
Armando Manzanero (born in Mérida, México on December 7, 1935) is a Latin American musician and composer, widely considered the premiere Mexican romantic composer of the postwar era. At the age of eight he was introduced into the world of music in the Escuela de Bellas Artes (School of High Arts) of his native city, later furthering his musical studies in Mexico City. In 1950, at the age of fifteen, he composed his first melody titled Nunca en el Mundo (Never in the World), of which twenty-one versions in different languages have been recorded to date. The following year he...
Armando Gallop (sometimes written as Armando Gallup) (February 12, 1970, Chicago–December 17, 1996), who released material under his first name only, was an American house-music producer and DJ who was an early contributor to the development of acid house. Armando was born in Chicago to parents of Afro-Cuban descent. He was a star baseball player as a youngster before spinal meningitis put an end to his athletic aspirations. He became interested in dance music, organizing parties by age 16 and mixing on radio by age 17. He and Mike Dunn founded Warehouse Records in 1988, where he released the singles...
Esta banda sueca tem cinco elementos: Bjorn Dixgard (vocalista e guitarrista), Gustaf Noren (também vocalista e guitarrista), C.J. Fogelklou (baixista), Samuel Giers (baterista) e Mats Björke (tecladista). Já lançaram cinco álbuns: Bring 'em In (2003), Hurricane Bar (2004), Ode To Ochrasy (2006), Never Seen the Light of Day (2007) e o mais recente Give Me Fire (2009). Segundo o seu myspace tiveram muitas influências, desde os The Beatles a Sex Pistols, passando por The Clash, Joy Division, Elvis, Tupac Shakur, Marvin Gaye e muitos outros. .
Encontrado 191 canções, duração: 15:55:39
Mr Moon
Dance with Somebody
Make You Mine
No More Tears (live)
The Shining
Aelita (2014) mix MusicReboot
Catching Up
Black Saturday
The New Boy
Love Last Forever
Long Before Rock and Roll
I ungdomen
The Shining
Wet Dreams
Killer Kaczynski (acoustic)
Dance With Somebody
Dance with Somebody
You Got Nothing on Me
Hold On, We're Going Home (Drake)
Motown Blood
Strövtåg I Hembygden
How We Walk
Scream for You
03. Infruset (Infruset 2012)
Dance With Somebody
Coca Cola - Гимн FIFA 2010
Dance With Somebody! Dance! Dance! Dance!
Rooftop (2014)
Dance with somebody (Mando Diao)
Dance With Somebody (Acoustic)
Blue Lining, White Trenchcoat