Sideris Noctem | pt

Noctem, was consolidated as a extreme metal band in April 2001. It’s founders cradled by the ideals of violence exaltation, misanthropy and antithesis to the totality of the absurd religions created this most excellent machine of War , which advances by leaps and bounds among the ranks of a putrid and poor social values infested civilization. In 2002 the band records their first work “Unholy blood” which was commercialized for 2 years. After several formation changes the band continues their way making national level concerts and composing new tracks, totally immersed in the search of a more personal music style....
There are 4 bands that use the name Carpe Noctem. A black metal band from Iceland A black/death metal band from Poland A black metal band from Germany A "string metal" band (as they call themselves) from Germany The Icelandic Carpe Noctem is a black metal formed in November 2005 by Andri (guitar) Alexander (vocals) and Helgi (drums). It started as a metal band, but in the course of 2-3 years it developed into a black metal band. Tómas (guitar) joined the band in 2008 and Árni (bass) in 2009. The band has released a demo (Myrkraverk - 2008) and...
Nikolas Sideris was born in Athens in 1977. He studied piano and theoretical studies in Athens, from where he got a diploma in piano and degrees in harmony and counterpoint, and then continued his studies in London with a full scholarship from the Greek Scholarship Foundation. From Royal Holloway (University of London) he got an MMus in composition and he is now completing his PhD in composition, under the joined supervision of Brian Lock and Phil Cashian. As a pianist, Nikolas has performed as a soloist, part of duets and part of an orchestra in various places (Athens, Ioannina, Damascus,...
Sideris Noctem was formed in year 2001 in Poltava. Band members of that period were: Valentin – guitar; Mikhail – guitar; Eugene - bass; Vitaliy – vocals; Roman – drums. Later Ekaterina joined the band on back vocals. After several months band played 30 minutes of quality Doom metal on their first concert in Poltava. In 2002 band recorded their first demo, called The Path To Novel Phenomenon. It includes 6 Doom-death metal compositions and cover version of Katatonia’s song Without God. By the reason of Roman’s military service some changes took place in the band. Mikhail took vacant places...