About A Mile | pt

Miley Ray Cyrus (nascida como Destiny Hope Cyrus), ou simplesmente conhecida como Miley Cyrus, nasceu em Nashville, Tennessee, Estados Unidos, no dia 23 de Novembro de 1992. É Atriz, Cantora, Escritora, Compositora e Fashion Designer mundialmente famosa por interpretar Miley Stewart / Hannah Montana na série original do Disney Channel, Hannah Montana. Foi eleita pela revista americana Time uma das 100 famosas mais bem pagas do mundo, além de ser considerada uma das maiores influências jovens da atualidade. Já vendeu mais de 26 milhões de álbuns e trilhas sonoras mundialmente. Começou a se interessar por atuação quando tinha nove anos,...
Miles Dewey Davis Jr III(Alton, Illinois, 26 de Maio de 1926 - Santa Monica, Califórnia, 28 de Setembro de 1991) foi um dos mais influentes trompetistas do séc. XX Polêmico, profundamente envolvido com o movimento dos direitos civis e ele próprio vitima de violência policial e discriminação racial, Miles soube manter-se na vanguarda de quase todos os movimentos do jazz até à sua morte na década de 90. Saíu cedo de Illinois, onde o seu pai era um abastado e respeitado médico. Após frequentar a Julliard School of Music de New York, cujo curso não chegou a completar, começou a...
Miles Away is an Australian hardcore punk band from Perth, Western Australia, formed in 2002. Miles Away was formed in mid-2002 by Andre and Monty who had a bunch of songs they wanted to use for an old school hardcore band. They then drafted in Chris Unsworth, the drummer from Monty's other band Alleged and Perth stalwart/enigma Dion, formerly of Boredumb and From the Ruins to play the bass. Cavechest joined up on vocals in late 2002 to complete the puzzle. At this time the band was going under the name Burning Bridges, until they found a US band with...
Smilers is a popular rock band from Estonia. The band was founded in 1993 in Helsinki, Finland but by the end of the 90-ies the group had gained huge mainstream success on the other side of the Gulf of Finland, in Estonia, the homeland of band's charismatic frontman, Hendrik Sal-Saller. In Estonia, Smilers has released a number of succesful albums and scored more than two dozen radio hits. The group has proved to be a popular live act and has had major impact on Estonian post-communist pop culture. Smilers' frontman Sal-Saller (vocal, rhythm guitar) has also been active as a...
Jungle Smile is a Japanese pop unit consisting of Takagi Ikuno (vocals, lyrics) and Yoshida Isao (instruments, production, composition). They specialize in ecstatic love songs with lush, soaring music. JanSuma (as their name is often abbreviated in Japanese) released their first single in 1996, followed by three albums, one EP, a singles collection, and a DVD. They have been on hiatus since 2001, though both members continue to be active in other projects. .