Caruana mundi | pt

Tom Caruana is a hip-hop DJ and sometimes MC from Brighton. He has created backing music for many of the most popular hip-hop artists in Brighton such as Dr Syntax, The Menagerie and Mole & Iris. .
Passion, Passion, resistance, roots and innovation are the words that come to mind when describing Yo Yo Mundi, a five-piece band from Acqui Terme, a tiny spot on the hills and vineyards of Monferrato in the North of Italy. Their musical journey is somewhere in between folk and rock. It’ s not easy to fit them in a genre because they often play with traditional as well as innovative sounds. The accordian is surely part of their sound in the best of folk traditions, although they are not your traditional folk band. Yo Yo Mundi begin their musical journey by...
Banda cubana de Progressivo Sinfônico de altíssimo nível! Combinam sons progressivos com outros gêneros musicais e usam instrumentos que são incomuns no Rock. Extremamente melódico, com nuances de New Age e com uma musicalidade bem encorpada, o Anima Mundi certamente vai agradar aos apreciadores do Progressivo Sinfônico. .
Encontrado 10 canções, duração: 37:03
L'uomo nuovo
Canzone di Natale
Il tempo che rimane
Quando l'estate verrà
I soldati dello shah