Alerta Gorria | pt

lenguAlerta is a Mexican artist blending Rap / Reggae into Healing music. He came to the scene around 2006 and he has made his base near legendary native Aztec landmark Tenochtitlan, Mexico. .
Negu Gorriak (Basque for "Red Winters" or "Harsh Winters") is an underground European punk/ska/dub/rap/rock group fromed in 1990 in Gipuzkoa, Basque Country. Their musical style combines rock, hip-hop, and reggae. It is impossible, however, to separate the band from its political ideology and its identification with the Basque Country and its language (Euskara). Negu Gorriak is formed by Fermin Muguruza, Iñigo Muguruza and Kaki Arkarazo after the ska group Kortatu was disbanded in the most popular point of its career in order to avoid creative settlement. The influences from Os Resentidos, Shinehead, Public Enemy, and N.W.A are very clear in...
There are at least 2 groups by the name Alerta: (1) Colombian Roots Reggae group. (2) A Dutch post-punk band that released a split 12" with The Ex and 1 Lp 'In The Land of a Thousand Pretty Dreams' in the early 80's. The guitarist Ton from other post punk band Three Clouds In The Sky played bass for Alerta. .
A Banda Sinal de Alerta teve sua formação no ano de 1984. Samuel Ribeiro e Milton Jorge, guitarristas se conheceram através de reuniões de jovens que suas igrejas promoviam. Convidaram Joacir Knust (baixista) e Luiz Fernando (baterista) a integrarem-se num projeto nos moldes do Rebanhão, banda que surgiu no início dos anos 80 e foi um divisor na música evangélica brasileira, com seu linguajar e ritmo modernos. .
Encontrado 11 canções, duração: 35:16
Gezur makina
Izan aske
Eutsi lagun
Amorru aldarria
Kontzientziak astintzen
Iraultzaren izenean
Bihotz gorri
Izar gazte
Fuck the Sistem