(PS4 mix) Sub Focus | pt

Sub Focus é o projeto de Nick Douwma, que vem da cena DnB de Guildford, UK em 2003, e já lançou vários trabalhos que agradaram tanto a crítica quanto os fans. Autodidata, ele foi descoberto por Andy C, e numa questão de meses, deixou de ser um dos muitos aspirantes a produtor para se tornar uma figura ilustre da premiada RAM Records. .
"<...>for Sensate Focus, everything is done using the pencil icon in Digital Performer, which is the software I use. So that was why the logo is a pencil – we had pencils made, because everything is made using the pencil tool. You know in this kind of software, you have a grid and you can put the notes it, draw them in and make them shorter or longer and stuff. So everything’s done with the pencil, so there’s a very clear distinction between the generative stuff that I do under my name and the other stuff with the pencil." Mark...
Before the four lads known as Losing Focus had even left high school their debut demo, "Autumn Contagious," garnered heavy rotation at the number-one Rock station in their Western Canadian hometown. Flash forward a few years and the quartet are now driven college students, drawing from a vast array of influences to create a sound that's as accessible as it is potent. Delivering locked-in performances to increasingly enthusiastic audiences seeking their "rock therapy," Losing Focus is rapidly creating a name for themselves beyond their native land. The refining of their raw fury can be credited to Juno Award-winning (and Grammy-nominated)...
There are three projects called Soft Focus: 1) Soft Focus is Jimi Tenor, Lary 7 and Mia Theodoratus. 2) Drone project of Matt Torromeo 3) A four person band from Brooklyn, NY formed in 2011 with members of Lost Boy? and Field Mouse. .
The Focus Group é um projeto do músico eletrônico experimental e designer gráfico Julian House. Seus lançamentos estão no seu próprio selo, o Ghost Box Music. O som é uma mistura de influências que vão desde a antiga 'library music', pastiches da década de 1960, e trilhas sonoras para filmes e programas dos anos 1970, bem como a colagem de som de música concreta. Nota: "Pastiche é definido como obra literária ou artística em que se imita grosseiramente (por vezes de forma proposital) o estilo de outros escritores, pintores, músicos, etc." Wikipédia .
Encontrado 4 canções, duração: 10:45
Sub Focus - X-Ray