Remedy Drive | pt

Uma é NWOBHM de Grantham, England e a outra Heavy Metal da Sweden The band was formed in august 1980 and split in 1985. A re-union was made in 1997, when 5 tracks later released on "Mission Of Destruction - Live" was recorded. A new re-union took place at the 2003 Rockslaget Festival in Karlshamn. The band started as a cover band playing songs by Riot, Def Leppard. The tracks 'Damnation Angel' and 'Tonight', contributed to the S.O.S. Records compilation album 'Rockslaget'. ""NWOBHM"" = On the Run Single 1981 1989 Demo Demo 1989 Dishonest Words Full-length 1990 Home Sweet Home...
Seremedy foi uma banda sueca de metal alternativo adepta do visual kei. A idéia por trás Seremedy foi criada no final de 2008 em Sundsvall, Suécia por Ray e JENZiiH, mas levou um ano antes de a banda encontra-se sua formação final. A banda iniciou suas atividades em 2010, eles faziam parte da Ninetone Records e da Universal Music. Seremedy lançou seu primeiro single "Bulletproof Roulette" "em todo o mundo no dia 11 de março de 2011. No início de 2012 o Seremedy começou a gravar seu primeiro álbum "Welcome to our MADNESS". Este foi lançado em 25 de julho...
other than a soundtrack to a movie a great one at that. taxidriver was also the name of a rather good mid to late 80's punk band. formed in 1986 and split in 1990 during their initial years of activity no real recordings were made and so they got back together a decade later to record all their material and released tout efface par le temps and promptly split after the recording. .
MySpace | Twitter | Orkut Community Banda formada em Los Angeles, EUA. Integrantes: Bruno Mascolo - vocal, guitarra Jason Nott - guitarra, vocal Cody Root - bateria Taylor Knowles - baixo .
Hyperdrive is the disguise used by Steven Verboom. This youngster has made quite the impression on the internet the last couple of months. A lot of his tracks and remixes received great feedback on the web and this inspired him to take it to the next level. He developed his own unique style combining elements of different styles he liked which resulted in his first release on Torque Beats. Hyperdrive stands for energetic hardstyle with a rough twist and fresh sounds. .