MDP | pt

1.Depressive Black/Funeral Doom band from Ukraine. Released an album called "Emptiness" in 2009 through Satanarsa Records. 2.Manic Depressive Psychosis, MDP, were formed in 1990 at the Yerevan State University. They soon collected 10 compositions for a debut album Usurper of the Sun Rays self-released in 1993. The album instantly won popularity & the band received a cult status in Yerevan. The songwriting nucleus of Ed & Henry pursued music experimentation, quite heavy and psychedelic. MDP works embodied ethnic elements & harmonies, were very close to sympho-rock, boasted passion, intuition and inspiration. In spring 1994 two legionaries from a heavy-metal combo...
PYRMDPLAZA is currently attending the University of Wales and is studying 'Creative Sound and Music'. He uses Ableton but started off with FLStudio. PYRMD started making music about 6-7 years ago and created privately for many years until the beginning of this year when he realized that he wanted to showcase his music. He definitely made the right choice otherwise we wouldn't be here at this very moment. Goes to show you how important social media is and how simply hitting "upload" can change your whole life by connecting with the world. .