Ufo361, Data Luv | pt

Rennes, França Membros: Ert (voz), Ae (guitarra e ou baixo), Pascal Des A (baixo), Pascal Normal (bateria), Didier (sintetizadores). Formaram-se em 1993 e terminaram alguns anos mais tarde. Tinham membros dos Tanit e Orchestre Rouge. A sua discografia da banda resume-se a 2 Lp’s. « Sahrah» de 1984 e «Dans Votre Monde» de 1985. Entram em várias compilações: http://www.french-new-wave.com/artist.php?nom=End+of+Data Discografia: « Sahrah» 1984 LP «Dans Votre Monde» 1985 LP http://www.myspace.com/endofdata http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XsQ0fgTToM .
Datashock is a ritualistic "neo-hippie-spook-folk" collective from Saarlouis, Germany. There is no constant lineup, as the group is joined by new members every now and then. Their music is defined almost entirely by psychedelic multidimensional live-improvisations stemming from 70ies krautrock influenced by contemporary electronic music and psychotic dronescapes. As a result we find complex layers of sultry muffled vibrations met by heavy waves of electronic sound experiments and strangely disfigured images. Here and there reality-distorting bits of whispers and cut-up voices are woven into the texture of these alien patterns of sound. Every step here is like nervously stumbling through...
New Jersey electronic grindcore duo, active 1999 to 2006. .
Encontrado 6 canções, duração: 18:02
WTF? (feat. Ufo361 & Selmon)