Blood Type | ru

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Sick of working nine to five jobs Ryan Taylor and Stephan Stevenson knew there had to be a better way. Sick of listening to the same old songs on the radio, the two decided to make a difference. The two decided to follow their dreams and form the rap duo Blood Type. They make use of old school vibes while still keeping things fresh. The two vowed to make an undeniable hip hop classic album.

Their love of classic hip hop music inspires them to make the records they make. Artists like Jay-Z, Nas, Kanye West, Outkast, The Roots and The Fugees gave them the blueprint to make classic records. The two believe that in order for a record to be worth making it must improve on the design of certified hits.

Representing South Miami, the two founded Lionsface Records and have made brand recognition a priority. The lion represents courage to standout in a world where people are just trying to fit in. The music is very content and concept driven, an approach not often followed by many rap acts in the Miami area. The songs and approach Blood Type uses to create music is very standout. Thus spawning the name of the duo's first mixtape, MIAliens.

Blood Type does not believe in the black and white approach to making music. Too many times people think they cannot be both creative and successful commercially. They believe that a lane is wide open for creative commercial hip hop music and plan to be the embodiment of the movement.

Their debut album is called 2 Weeks Notice represents the transition from being worker bees to controlling their own destinies in the music industry.

The two have many names, Stepson, Chief, and Blood Type but what remains is the commitment to excellence and strict code of honor. The monkey cannot look the lion in the face. They don't ask for your approval, but they demand your respect. .

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