Death Bed Confession | ru

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Five powerful Virions lay dormant for many years. Upon their inducement into the host cell DNA they will take over the machinery of the cell to produce a new virus. Now these viral products are fully infectious and will be called Death Bed Confession. The music forces (Virions) found each other to bring into the world some kick your ass punch you in the face metal. They are emerging on the scene to spread the infection. Forming new life in the DBCMetal world.

Death Bed Confession is a formula for everything that works for the metal mind. Death Bed Confession is made up of five elements, Jay (vocals), James (guitar), Dingo (drums) Paul (bass) and Brian (guitar). Their blend of music is created with creative and in your face topics bringing to the forefront the truth as they see it. The band began April 2010. In a coffee shop in Lafayette Colorado Paul met James and a band was born. A few months later Dingo walked in. The quest for the prefect voice found Jay and Brian emerged. It was apparent when they all got into the same room that there was some sort of fire beginning.

Soon after their inception, they began work on the debut album Death Bed Confession.

The musical influences are diverse and their methods are madness. Influences range from metal's classic leaders to today's metal leaders.

Perhaps what gives their music its edge are the steel pounding sounds from two great guitarist. Its thunderous bass sound shaking to the earths core. The machine gun pulse of the drums. Or the screams from hell from the world class vocals.

These guys are all comedians and all bring their own "character" (as well as other things) to the band. Have fun, live long and make your world your home.

Death Bed Confession in now finishing up their debut self-titled CD, to be available by January 2011. More information on the band and where they're playing can be found at .

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