Steeple Remove | ru

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Rouen, France

Arno Rignon, Walter and David have been in Steeple Remove from the start of the 90s. They are from Rouen in Normandy, a city with many a steeple, but only one Steeple Remove. They met Antoine Larmagnac a little bit later playing one of his homemade guitars, probably with turquoise corduroy over it, and before long they became the definitive sound of Rouen and the burgeoning 'froguerock' scene.

Francis Forget from DFGB was once in their ranks for a while, and now Mana Audisio (guitar) is in Steeple Remove since his previous Rouen band folded. Arno has since changed his name to Van Colen for mysterious yet evidently artistic reasons, and Antoine has only just recently left. David is probably no longer holding down a day job as a driving instructor as he was in the 90s.

Basically Can with a hint of Throbbing Gristle at the beginning, their sound has evolved over the years to become as danceable yet at the same time loud as anything Add N to X could have offered. They too favour moogs, antique electronics, live performance and reel-to-reel audio tape. However unlike them they have the same great drummer in the form of Walter for every show... and are still going.


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