The Astray | ru

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Enveloped in cables and midi controllers, the duo The Astray delivers truly synthetic Electrorock, precisely navigating the edge between mathematical complexity and Depeche Mode-esque hooks. Layers upon layers of melodies and ever-changing soundscapes stem from Matt Duncan (Guitar, Keys, Vocals) and Owen Parker (Bass, Vocals).

Founded in early 2009 in Gelsenkirchen, Germany, the songs they wrote over the years have been collected on their debut album LETTERS (April 2012). Dealing mainly with interpersonal relationships, its songs span calm as well as driving atmospheres. Behind all of this is an analytic and technical approach to making music, with every sound being processed through software and effects, even when playing live. The album is made available via Bandcamp for any price, even for free, complemented by a physical release with each cover being a unique, hand-painted piece of art.

2009 - Foundation as a duo (previous projects include "If True Equals False" and "City in the Sky")
2010 - Reworking old songs, growing arsenal of controllers, digitizing everything in Ableton Live
2011 - First (private) gigs, start of album recording
2012 - Finish album LETTERS and release it in April after weeks of Teaser Videos on YouTube, featured in's Fourth Rock Pack

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