Esther Galil | ru

Galileo Galilei - j-rock банда из Хоккайдо (Japan / Япония), которые подписали контракт с SME Records. Участники группы: Yuki Ozaki - вокал и ведущая гитара. Hitoshi Sako - бас-гитара. Kazuki Ozaki - барабаны. Сессионные участники: Daiki - гитара Chima - бэк-вокал, синтезатор Бывшие участники группы: Fumito Iwai Sohei Funaya Официальный сайт .
There are more artists\band named Esther. 1. Esther is a post-hardcore/rock band from Salt Lake City, Utah. They have recorded the album "Common Choirs" in 2012 which is free-available from their BANDCAMP. 2. Esther, singer from Belgium. 3.Esther, Band from Bergen, Norway. Sara og Camilla met at Bergen art school (KiB). Esther were one of their last art-projects on the second year, where the theme was a reality consept of becoming a band. The respondings to Esther were so great, that they had no choice but to keep on going, and Esther became the real thing :) Endre and Jan-Arve...
Vincenzo Galilei (c. 1520 – July 2, 1591) was an Italian lutenist, composer, and music theorist, and the father of the famous astronomer and physicist Galileo Galilei. He was a seminal figure in the musical life of the late Renaissance, and contributed significantly to the musical revolution which demarcates the beginning of the Baroque era. He was born around 1520 in Santa Maria a Monte (Tuscany), and began studying the lute at an early age. Sometime before 1562 he moved to Pisa, where he married into a noble family. In 1564 Galileo was born, the first of his either six...
Esther Lamandier's website. The magnificent music of singer and string musician Esther Lamandier brings to life old languages and cultures in time. Romances is one of the albums, containing songs of the nomadic Sephardics in Spain in the middle ages as well as Armenian chants. There are many others, including an album of early French work songs. The album is available from Esther Lamandier's website. .
Найдено 10 песни, продолжительность: 33:18
Leil Galil
Leil Galil
Les fusils
Le Jour Se Leve
Delta Queen
Delta Queen
Je t'aime à mort
Conquistador tu prends les armes
Route Number Infini
Jour se lève (le)