dArtagnan ft Patty Gurdy | ru

Патти Право (итал. Patty Pravo, настоящее имя Nicoletta Strambelli; род. 9 апреля 1948, Венеция) — итальянская поп-певица, отметившая сорокалетие своей творческой деятельности. Николетта Страмбелли родилась в состоятельной венецианской семье. В 15 лет Николетта покинула родительский дом и отправилась в Лондон, а затем вернулась в Рим, где и начала свою карьеру. Она закончила Консерваторию Бенедетто Марчелло. Патти Право поддерживала дружеские связи с американским поэтом Эзрой Паундом и Анджело Ронкалли. В 1966 году она записала первый сингл «Ragazzo Triste», итальянский вариант песни «But You’re Mine» Сонни и Шер. Эта песня в исполнении Патти Право стала первым хитом поп-музыки на Радио Ватикана. За...
Patty is Patrizia Musolino, italian dance singer during the middle 90s. She recorded hits like "Frozen", "Come Back", "Ray Of Light" and "American Pie". .
Patty Larkin (b. June 19, 1951, Iowa) is a Boston-based singer-songwriter. She trained at the Berklee College of Music before pursuing a solo career in folk music. Her songwriting has been praised for its wit, and her technical guitar playing has also received praise (which she made light fun of in her feminist song, Not Bad for a Broad). In 1990, she joined Christine Lavin, Megan McDonough, and Sally Fingerett to form the Four Bitchin' Babes, with whom she toured and recorded one album. In 2005, Larkin produced La Guitara, a compilation of songs performed by female guitarists designed to...
Anna Marie "Patty" Duke (December 14, 1946 – March 29, 2016) was an American actress of stage, film and television. Patty Duke also had a successful singing career, including two Top 40 hits in 1965, "Don't Just Stand There" (#8) and "Say Something Funny" (#22). Another recording was "Dona Dona" in 1968, which she performed as the second song on The Ed Sullivan Show. Also during 1968, she had appeared on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson, and after George Jessel's comic appearance, she was introduced and sang the Irish classic, "Danny Boy". She also sang songs on such shows...
Найдено 7 песни, продолжительность: 21:04
Farewell (feat. Patty Gurdy)
Meine Liebste, Jolie
Farewell ft. Patty Gurdy
Farewell (feat. Patty Gurdy)