Rockwell | ru

Имя Rockwell прогремело на современной сцене не так давно, в 2009 году, но сделало оно это очень четко, громко и звонко. Звучание саунда от Rockwell — это свежее дуновение ветра в днб, что-то необычное и очень манящие. За эти два с лишним года на сцене у Томаса успели выйти релизы на ведущих днб лейблах, таких как: Critical Music, DigitalSoundboy и Renegade Hardware, а так же контракт на эксклюзивный выпуск альбома с могучим Shogun Audio, владелец которого DJ Friction, очень с пристрастием выбирает артистов которые будут выпускаться на его детище. Началось у Rockwell все с трека «Underpass», который приковал к себе...
Bob Rockwell is a saxophonist & composer of international ability. Rockwell has demonstrated his immense skills and versatility by his acclaimed contribution to various ensembles & big bands. He is considered one of the most esteemed foreign musicians resident in his now native Denmark. Born in May 1945 in Miami, Oklahoma. He grew in Minneapolis, Minnesota. As a teenager he performed in Rock , R & B & Big Bands. He toured the states extensively from this age to his early 20’s. During a period of residence in Las Vegas from the late 60’s to early 70’s he worked with...
ML and Nikki are serious about their music. ML grew up in New York City on heavy doses of Hip-Hop; namely Black Sheep, Cypress Hill and Wu-Tang Clan. Later, she found classic rock artists including Led Zeppelin and Jimi Hendrix as a major source of her inspiration. Nikki grew up in Washington, D.C. and was heavily into Fugazi and the city’s punk scene. Her sister frequently dragged her out to hot spots like Tracks and the 930 Club to see artists like Dead Milkmen (her first concert) and a "Go" era Moby. Friends for over a decade, ML and Nikki...
Rockwell Blake is an American Tenor, specializing in the Bel Canto repetoire, Rossini and baroque Opera. He possesses a two-and-a-half octave range, and renowned vocal flexibility. .