KAV | ru

Винсент Белорже (Vincent Belorgey), или более известный под псевдонимом Kavinsky – известный французский электро-музыкант, выпустивший две пластинки на Record Makers: “Teddy Boy EP” в 2006-м и "1986" EP в 2007-м. На его композиции делали ремиксы Mr. Oizo, Arpanet и SebastiAn. В 2007-м он гастролировал вместе с Daft Punk, The Rapture, Justice и SebastiAn. В дополнение к его музыкальной карьере он также снимался в нескольких фильмах, включая постановку Mr.Oizo (Квентин Дюпье), названную “Steak” («Смени лицо»). .
There are in fact two groups dubbed The Kavaliers. One of them was started by a Williams College student Josh Zhang during a week where his life conformed to the trite tragedy of "coming to age". The other are an Indie/Rock band formed in Yorkshire, England. "Tipped for big things after a very impressive and commanding support slot " - Tom Hingley, Inspiral Carpets www.myspace.com/thekavaliers .
Ron Kavana a London-based Irish singer, songwriter, guitarist and band leader. Born in the County Cork village of Fenmoy, he is the son of an Irish father and an American mother from Chicago with Cajun roots. Performing with a lengthy list of bands, Kavana has blended the musical traditions of the British Isles with blues, country, Cajun, rock and other influences. His collaborations have brought him together with influential musicians from the worlds of British soul, blues, rhythm & blues, rock, Irish folk and folk-rock, and worldbeat music. A talented songwriter, Kavana has written songs exploring history and politics, as...
Kavin Hoo is a pianist and composer best known for his work with the Lifescapes series of recordings. .