Meghan Jenkins | ru

Меган Элизабет Трейнор (англ. Meghan Elizabeth Trainor, род. 22 декабря 1993) — американская певица, автор-исполнитель и продюсер. Родилась на острове Нантакет, штат Массачусетс, в семье Гарри и Келли Трейнор. В 11-летнем возрасте начала писать свои первые песни. В 17 лет Трейнор победила на песенном конкурсе в Теннесси со своей собственной песней «You're Good With Me». В 18 лет она подписала контракт с агентством как сонграйтер, после чего осела в Нэшвилле, где самостоятельно выпустила два альбома «I'll Sing With You» и «Only 17». В 2014 году она заключила контракт со звукозаписывающей студией «Epic Records», где летом того же года выпустила свой...
Meghan is a French group of folk musicians and a female singer. They play traditional folk songs from various European cultures, mostly in English or French language. .
Карл Дженкинс музыкальный философ, мозговой центр и основатель Adiemus. Талант, трудоголик и везунчик — это все о нем. Карл родился в валийском городе с очень красивым названием Свонси (''Лебединое море'') и получил классическое музыкальное образование в знаменитом Кардиффском университете, который закончил в 1966 году бакалавром музыки. Но этого ему оказалось мало, и еще два года он провел, учась в не менее достойном месте, Лондонской Королевской Академии Музыки. Карл с детства любил джаз и сначала самоучкой, а потом и на специальных курсах в Barry Summer Jazz School научился играть на многих духовых и струнных инструментах, что позволило ему плавно влиться в...
As a recording artist, Jon Jenkins sees it as his responsibility to reach out, grab the listeners by the ears, drag them into another world and show them around a little bit. "I've always been fascinated by the ability of a good piece of music to stimulate the imagination and transport the listener to another place in their mind without ever leaving their chair." When you put on a copy of his solo debut release, Flow, you'll know he's not kidding. By the time the first track is over, you've been pulled through a sonic wormhole and dropped into a...
Billy Jenkins (born 5 July 1956) is an English blues guitarist, composer, and bandleader. Initially Jenkins became famous as a member of Burlesque, then as part of Trimmer & Jenkins. A short period he followed as a member of Ginger Baker's Nutters. For several years, he ran Wood Wharf Studios. He mixed this with work on his own VOTP Records label and leading the Voice Of God Collective, a group which included Iain Ballamy, Django Bates, Steve Watts, Ashley Slater, and other members of the group Loose Tubes. The band released several gramophone records such as Sounds Like Bromley and...
Найдено 52 песни, продолжительность: 01:58:35
'I Thought I Told You to Stop'
Lace Glove Face Punch
Lace Glove Face Punch
Mark Knows How
Safety Dance
Some People Are Bad Influences
Gaslighter's Holiday
Happy Birthday Panda
Snacks on Sunset Blvd
Tiptoe with Panda
Where Are Your Keys?
Love, Panda
Maybe. Ok. Yes.
Aldramark's Song
Please Don't Slam the Doors Anymore
You're Doing This on Purpose
Angels Are Near.
What's in Your Backpack?
Meetings & Briefcases
Aldramark's Song
Can I Swim in Your Pool?
Lace Glove Face Punch
Mondays Are Never Fridays
Hey! Let's Have a Good Time
I'm So Sorry You are Sad
Panda Said Stop
Worst Nightmare
Subway Closes At Ten.
We Are All Friends...
Panda Says 'Hello' (to Mark)
Don't Be Scared / Let's Just Dance
Hid Away
Panda's Nightmare Dance
You Know What You Are
Panda's Break Dance
Don't Be Scared / Let's Just Dance
Good. He's a Dick.
Don't Be Late!
Tin Can Telephone
Lace Glove Face Punch
Are We Still Waiting For Gary?
Don't Worry About It.
People Make Fun of Things They Don't Understand.
Not Panda! (Intro)
That Guy Has a Problem with Me.
Let the Pandas Run