Charley Patton | ru

After playing in each other's bands, songwriters Jaye Muller and Ben Patton decided to join forces and create this very beautiful 10 song album, "Muller and Patton". Clearly audible in these tracks are the influence of the Beatles, Queen, Brian Wilson, David Bowie, the Zombies and other melodic and arranged pop-rock, but the end result is a genre of their own. Muller and Patton's self titled debut album was released in 2005. On the recording Jaye and Ben play most of the instruments themselves. The music was entirely a joint effort, with Ben penning the lyrics on his own. .
Brandon Patton’s solo career was born from the ashes of the band three against four. The Boston area trio broke up in 2000 and Patton moved to San Francisco, where he ended up playing bass for Matt Nathanson, Solea, and John Vanderslice. Patton released the album "Should Confusion" in 2004 on his own label, then moved to Brooklyn, NY. Buzz for the album began with glowing reviews from small websites like and, and grew into an invitation to play at the Newport Folk Festival and a nomination for "Album of the Year" by the 2004 Independent Music Awards....
Пэ́ттон Пи́тер О́свальт (англ. Patton Oswalt, род. 27 января 1969, Портсмут, Виргиния, США) — американский стендап-комик, актёр и сценарист. Известен по роли Спенсера Олчина в ситкоме «Король Квинса» (1998–2007), озвучиванию Реми в мультфильме «Рататуй» (2007), а также по роли братьев Кёниг в сериале «Агенты „Щ.И.Т.“» (2014–17). .
A eurobeat alias used by Giancarlo Pasquini, Roberto Festari and Davide Di Marcantonio. .