Silvio Rodríguez y Pablo Milanes | ru

There are at least three groups/artists called Silvio 1)One of them is a Finnish indie-rock band, consisting of five members: Ilmari Pohjola (singer), Jyrki Väisänen (guitar), Juhani Ahola (guitar), Verneri Pohjola (drums, rhodes), Antti Lötjönen (bass). 2)The other artist is Silvio Di Taranto, a solo electronic artist who is currently making his first song, it's still referred to as "Beta". His mixes have fallen in taste with electrolovers. His mixes go from electro to techno and dance (and all it's subcategories), occasionnaly some other genres too (Rock, ...). Some of his mixes can be found online. "Beta" has no set...
Сиксто Диас Родригес. Американский фолк-музыкант. Родился в Детройте, штат Мичиган в 1942 году. Родители Родригеса были среднего класса иммигрантов из Мексики. Большинство песен посвящены темам политики, жестокости, насилия, бедноты, социальным проблемам. Его песня “Sugarman” с альбома “Cold Fact” была хитом в Южной Африке и Австралии, ее до сих пор можно услышать на радио. Песня ‘Sugarman’ впоследствии переделывалась такими музыкантами как Just Jinger и Paolo Nutini. Из-за прекращения его музыкальной карьеры был широко распространен слух о его смерти, но в 1998 году он совершил тур по Южной Африке опровергнув тем самым свою смерть. .
Pablo Montero (born Oscar Daniel Hernandez on August 23, 1974 in Torreon, Coahuila, Mexico) is a popular Mexican singer and actor. Montero is better known for his singing career; in fact, it was his career as a singer that has led him towards becoming an actor. Known for his usage of "charro" hats and black clothing during his concerts, Montero is considered to be a teen idol and paparazzi favorite in Mexico. He is also well known in the rest of Latin America, Australia, Europe, and the Hispanic community of the United States. When Montero was a teenager, he had...
Pablo Reche is a sound artist and noisemaker from Buenos Aires, Argentina. In his website (, he describe himself as "using sound as an expresive-aesthetic element, with a personal style that feeds itself from ambient, post industrial and isolationism." .
Найдено 12 песни, продолжительность: 42:15
Yo Pisaré las Called Nuevamente - Pablo Milanés
Vida No Vade Nada - Pablo Milanés
Yolanda - Pablo Milanés
4. Canción De La Nueva Escuela
Oleo de mujer con sombrero
Canción De La Nueva Escuela