Sonne | ru

Paolo Beltrame Итальянский проект, работающий в области dark ambient и ritual ambient. .
The Sonnets are a band from Chicago, Illinois. Started by lead singer/guitarist Vee Sonnets in 1992, The Sonnets have had many line up changes and has featured members of other notable Chicago bands including Lisa on Life, Three Years Ghost, Jr. Loader, No Empathy, M.O.T.O, and numerous others. While their sound cannot be piegonholed, The Sonnets are a mix of 50's R&B, Blues, and Rockabilly, 60's Mod, 70's Glam, Power Pop, and Punk, 80's New Wave, 90's Britpop, and modern pop and rock. The Sonnets are Vee Sonnets (guitar and vocals), Ellie Maybe (bass and vocals), and Daisun deRijk (drums...
Очень лиричный сайд-проект Уве Нолте из Orplid. Играет на пару с Андреасом Арндтом из широко известного в узких кругах пауэр-электроникс проекта Irikarah. Ну а здесь мелодичные песни-баллады, да еще и с вокалом Nadine Spindler, известной по первому студийнику Orplid. В целом, практически классический немецкий неофолк. .
Лейбл "Der Schwarze Tod" начинает 2013 год своим восьмым релизом - дебютным альбомом "В осознании превосходства" Black Metal- формации из Ярославля SONNENBRAND. Сырой звук, нордическая мелодика и героические тексты в лучших традициях. .
Christopher Bissonnette began his career studying fine art at the University of Windsor. Majoring in video and multimedia, he began to produce video that was inseparable from sound, and sound that produced contextual support to the abstracted imagery of his visual work. Bissonnette experienced the rise of the Detroit electronic music scene in the early 1990s, and began to develop an aural vocabulary of his own. He experimented with "purist" techno sound, working with analogue synths and rhythm machines.This was ultimately unfulfilling. In 1996 Bissonnette teamed up with Mark Laliberte to form Disseminator Audio, which produced hybrid performances of sequenced...