Oniro | ru

The powerful World Music of ONIRO is inspired by traditional tribal rhythm and multiple musical knowledge from around the world. Exotic instruments like the Didgeridoo, the Benta and the Dulcimer bring the listener to a place where symbols, feelings and images blend together to form a deep and profound foundation of self creation and imagination. .
Onirot is a dark ambient project from Turin, Italy, formed by Herr Doktor A.P. and Von Ingolstadt. The music of Onirot is inspired by and dedicated to Turin and its faces: the subterranean city in "Ritualis", the esoteric surface of the city in "Augusta Taurinorum", and the industrial parts of the city in "Deus ex machina". Onirot means Torino. Considered Europe's most magical city, Turin is literally hidden under the houses, in the tunnels and caves which run underground, deep beneath what meets the eye, where in the medieval period mysterious rituals were performed. Herr Doktor A.P. is also known...