Tom Chaplin | ru

François Chaplin trained at the Paris Conservatoire (CNSM) with the Bulgarian pianist Ventsislav Yankoff and with Jacqueline Robin (accompaniment and chamber music), and was unanimously awarded first prizes for piano and chamber music. He then followed the advanced course with Jean-Claude Pennetier. In 1987, he won the International Piano Competition in Senigallia (Italy), and received in 1989 the Mozart and Robert Casadesus Prizes at the International Competition in Cleveland. Those distinctions are the start of a brilliant international career. His recording of Debussy’s complete piano works has been unanimously acclaimed by the international press and has reaped many awards (Diapason...
After working with local bands and musicians, Tim decided to go it alone in the late nineties. Working on solo singer/songwriter music under his own name and adopting the Luminous moniker for his electronic/experimental output soon afterwards. 1998 saw the release of the self financed 'CD EP' - a solo four-song promo CD-R for the radio and press. The debut Luminous release in 1999, was the inclusion of 'It's Bass, Jim, But Not As We Know It', on the highly acclaimed '...Eclipse Of The Moon And Falling Star' compilation album on Fi Sci Records. The official debut solo release was...
Чарльз Спенсер Чаплин (Charles Spencer Chaplin) родился в Лондоне, в семье артистов мьюзик-холла, и уже в семь лет пел и танцевал на сцене. Детство Чарли было нищим, голодным, жестоким и одиноким, как у большинства детей того времени. Именно пережитое в эти годы впоследствии легло в основу многих замечательных комедий. Чарли ушел из дома в шестнадцать лет и устроился работать в театре. В 1907 году его приняли в известную труппу пантомимы Ф.Карно. Позже, в 1913 году, во время гастролей труппы в Америке молодого артиста заметил продюсер Мак Сеннетт, предложил контракт с кинокомпанией "Кистоун" и пригласил сниматься. Первым фильмом Чаплина стала комическая...
Vocals: Minoru Niihara Guitar: Yukihiro "Cha Cha Maru"/"chachamaru" Fujimura; Bass: Toshimi "Binmi*" Nagai Drums: Touru Souru Ex-Members: Drums: Kouzou Suganuma Ded Chaplin originally consisted of Minoru Niihara, Yukihiro Fujimura, Binmi* Nagai and Kouzou Suganuma, but Touru Souru eventually replaced Kouzou Suganuma on drums. They released 4 full-length albums - 06.01.1989 - Ded Chaplin 1st - 02.21.1991 - Rock the Nation - 03.21.1992 - Final Revolution & - 11/1992 - The Best Works of Ded Chaplin Minoru Niihara went on to be in X.Y.Z., A, and SLY and is currently in LOUDNESS Yukihiro Fujimura he was formerly in Gerard before Ded...
Найдено 160 песни, продолжительность: 15:38:26
All Fall Down
Hey Jude - Chaplin Theatre Opening September 2014
Your Funny Uncle [Pet Shop Boys]
I Remember You
Killer Queen (Live)
See It So Clear
The Winter In Me (demo)
The Wave
Listen to Tom discuss The River's artwork
Hear Tom talking about I Remember You
Somewhere only we know(acoustic London 17.12.08)
The River
Tom Chaplin chats to Ed and Meghann (13.01.2017)
BBC Radio 2 (Interview+Hardened Heart)
5 Minutes With Tom Chaplin
Hear Tom discussing Solid Gold's artwork
It's a Hard Life @ Vinehall School 23.12.14
Songlines interview (NPO Radio 2, 27.01.2017)
Hear Tom discuss the Bring The Rain artwork
Hardened Heart
Listen to Tom talk about Quicksand
It's A Hard Life (Live)
Real Radio - 22.10.2013
Edith Bowman Breakfast Show (22.09.2016) 4
BBC Radio 5 Interview (07.09.2016)
Dont't Look Back In Anger (OASIS cover)
Tom chats about Hold On To Our Love's artwork
Talk Sport - 12th Nov 2013
Live at Isle Of Wight 2017
Radio 2 Session, 22nd September 2016
Listen to Tom talk about hardened Heart
Tom discusses The Wave Artwork
The Wave solo vocal
Tom chats about Worthless Words
Edith Bowman Breakfast Show (22.09.2016) 5
Hear Tom discussing Still Waiting's artwork
Listen to Tom talk about Quicksand artwork
watchin you back
Tom chats about Solid Gold
Edith Bowman Breakfast Show (22.09.2016) 3
A Kind Of Magic (Live)
Studio Session on Radio 104.5 (18.01.2017)
Learn more about the I Remember You artwork
Tom chats about Bring The Rain
BBC Radio 2 (27.09.2013)
Hear Tom's thoughts about Hold On To Our Love
Tom chats about Still Waiting
Edith Bowman Breakfast Show (22.09.2016) 1
Talk Sport interview (03.09.2016)
Interview at Virgin Radio (September 11, 2016) 2