Prophecy | ru

The Ragnarok Prophecy is a Melodic Death Metal band from Titusville, Florida. Influence: Lord of the Rings, nature. Similar artists: Northland, Blackguard, Euphoreon. .
Acid Prophecy is the live project that was born from the union of two Italian artists: Alberto Zattera (djZat) & Michele Sperman (djNatraji). Alberto begun to play the drums at a very young age and had already experiences in a several metal bands before he started to produce electronic music five years ago. Beginning with Hardcore and Gabber, he is now producing psy trance since three years. Also Michele is a musician since years – before he started to produce psy trance 4 years ago he was already playing the bass and guitar for a several years – and together...
Mystic Prophecy — пауэр-метал-группа из Германии. Музыкальный стиль группы сформирован под влиянием американских пауэр-метал-групп, таких как Iced Earth, но при этом не потерявший мелодичность, характерную для европейского пауэр-метала. Группа была основана участниками Valley's Eve Р.Д. Лиапакисом и Мартином Альбрехтом. Гас Г. был рекомендован им Дэвидом Честейном. Он играл на гитаре на первых трех альбомах, но ушел в 2005 году, чтобы проводить больше времени со своей другой группой Firewind. Satanic Curses, их пятый альбом, был выпущен в Европе на лейбле Massacre Records 23 октября 2007 года, а в США - на Locomotive Records 11 ноября. Состав Роберто Димитри Лиапакис - вокал...
Founded in 2003 as "Eclipse" and changed their name in 2009, Eclipse Prophecy is a Montreal-based Progressive Power Metal band. So far they have performed as support act for many reknown bands such as Epica, Pagan's Mind, Stratovarius, Gamma Ray, Sabaton and more. In 2011, they have recorded a remake version of "The Bard's Song - In The Forest", with the power metal veterans Blind Guardian. The event took place at the Twilight Hall studio for a charity event for Japan. In late 2012, the band inked a deal with Maple Metal Records for the worldwide release of their first...
The band has been created in 2006 in little town called Knurów, in southern Poland. The core of the group consists of two Lyzniak brothers - Danio and Stanley. They are responsible for the first riffs and first arrangements. Soon joined by Marek Zając, the band slowly shaped to be what it is now - after numerous lineup changes it seems like stability is at hand with Rafał "Zwierzak" Habrajski behind the drumkit, and "Robbie" Zembrzycki performing the guitar duties. The band has already recorded one full length album and is now working on another release, while playing major gigs...