GriPe#3 | ru

1. Gripe were a 3 piece hardcore band heavily influenced by grindcore, powerviolence, and only the fastest 80's hardcore acts such as deep wound, siege, void, etc. They formed in late 2010 in Athens Ga, in stark contrast to the happy go lucky pop friendly scene at the time. Gripe played a very heavy, dark, and discordant take on hardcore. Their lyrics focused on negativity and dystopian future concepts. Former members are now in bands Harsh Words and Bathrooms 2. Gripe is an argentinean stoner rock band, formed in january 2006. Its members are: Fernando on vocals and guitar, El...
Найдено 191 песни, продолжительность: 08:44:54
Another Gripe
Nothing Left but Hate
Slave Planet
Velvet Flora
Правда единаBrothe(DeLime rec.)
Gripe Suina
Gripe post vacuna contra la gripe
Gripe [Новые Биты]
Todo Nos Da Sueño
Gripe Suina
Granjerías Infames
Gripe Economica
Mental Gripe
Save a Life, Kill a Cop
You Can't Spell Dead without D.E.A.
Indefinite Detention
Всё что не поподя(DeLime rec.)
Mental Gripe
Всё что не поподя
Mardita Gripe
Атомный палач (delime rec.)
Gripe Previa
War Is Business
Just Fucking Die!
Gripe Española
Trade Copro Gripe`s
A Gripe do Porco
Gripe season 2012
La Gripe [ #Salsa2015 ]
La Gripe ( Dj El Malo Official Remix)
Force of Habit
05 Gripe Indamix
Gripe Porcina
Agente Nervioso
Подведем итоги
Grind Into Extinction
Self Destruction