Arsen Dedić | ru

There are several Danish musicians by the name Kim Larsen: 1) Kim Larsen (born October 23, 1945 in Copenhagen. Now living in Odense) is a Danish best selling rock musician, known for his solo career as well as being the lead singer of Gasolin'. 2) Kim Larsen is one of Denmark's leading underground figures, best known for his work with doom metal band Saturnus and his solo folk-noir project Of the Wand and the Moon. He has also issued records under the Solanaceae and The Loveless banners, and is a member of and lyricist in the band Black Wreath. The...
Норвежская поп-принцесса Марит Ларсен (Marit Larsen) знает как предстать в виде самой скромности, но поет она, к счастью, очень сильно и решительно. В обтягивающем терракотовом платье, которое делало ее похожей на принцессу, Марит заигрывала с публикой на музыкальном фестивале Øya, прошедшем на прошлой неделе в Осло, и заявила, что нарядилась так специально для всех пришедших. В том, что Ларсен покорительница сердец по природе своей, никто не сомневается, но, слава Богу, на самом деле она не такая уж легкомысленная пустышка, какой иногда хочет казаться. Как композитор и певица она знает абсолютно точно, чего она хочет, и ее совершенно не волновало, что...
Timeless soundpictures between ambient music and contemporary classic. Athmospheric electronic sounds and the romantic moods of piano and violins melt into timeless soundpictures at the concerts of the Marsen Jules Trio. For this live-shows Marsen Jules is supported by the twin brothers Anwar Alam and Jan-Philipp Alam on violin and piano. The live concerts of the Marsen Jules Trio are very special because of their sensitive play with sounds and spaces as well as their impressive improvisations. .
From Ontario, Canada. The Arsenals have successfully created a signature blend of authentic Jamaican ska, rocksteady rhythms and pop. Since 1994, they have built a broad and dedicated following, keeping their audiences entertained with irresistibly charismatic performances, superior musicianship and a wide selection of catchy numbers. Led by an astonishingly energetic trombonist named Dizzzy D who shares the limelight with a charming and easy-going singer named Comfort, the Arsenals captivate audiences from the moment they hit the stage. Backed by a group of accomplished musicians, the Arsenals deliver a house-party vibe even at a big amphitheatre. The Arsenals have performed...
Найдено 199 песни, продолжительность: 11:21:02
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