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RedSka is is an Italian ska band formed in 2001 in Romagna. In 2004 following their victory in a band contest called "conKorso" they publish their first official album Mi son sbagliato nel confondermi ("I was mistaken while confusing myself") (Sana Records / Audioglobe), a blend of ska-punk with strong influences of californian ska, mixed with reggae, raggamuffin, swing, blues, hardcore e rocksteady sounds. There are already some relevant participation such as The Hormonauts and Enri. The RedSka has made live concerts next to: Banda Bassotti, Matrioska, Strawman,Los Fastidios, The Good Fellas. The lyrics, save for a few songs are...
Крис Дин (вокал/гитара), который под псевдонимом Х Мур параллельно работал журналистом в NME, создал свою первую группу (No Swastikas) в Йорке в 1981 с Ником Кингом (барабаны). Позднее к ним присоединился Мартин Хьюс (бас/вокал), известный также как Мартин Милитант, Мартин Леон и Мартин Боттомли. Крис и Мартин были членами Социалистической Рабочей Партии. В марте 1982 группа переехала в Лондон и сменила название на Redskins. Хотя к тому времени скинхеды ассоциировались с крайними правыми, Крис Дин признавал их как истинно пролетарский культ молодежи: «Я не думаю об этом, как об имидже, просто это было. Но в то же время оно имеет...
Patrick Doyle, born 1989 to the Metro-Detroit suburbs of Southeast Michigan began making "music" at the age of 10 as DJ RedSkeye but soon branched off into a multiple personality display of several bands and side-projects of all genres. He is the current operator of the TrashFuck Net sub-netlabel of the temporarily defunct Non Quality Audio DIY label as well as the DIY hard-copy mail-order label Piss Free Tapes and local independent hip-hop label/zine Nerdcore Michigan. He operates mostly under the alias RedSK. .
Найдено 174 песни, продолжительность: 15:49:27
Fruity Loops Is Sooooooo Awesome
Sweet Sweet Schadenfreude
Gutted Mechanics Part 2
Dark Ritual
Crank Dat RedSK
RedSK - Krawatte
RedSK - I like my mommy cuz she doesn't beat me
RedSK - Nearly 9 Minutes of Sonic Vomit
RedSK - Me Mum n Me
RedSK - Just like my mom used to make
Sunset Endings
Trapped In The Breakers, A Parking Lot Pigeon
02 RedSK - Bathroom Sandwhich
Fucking shemales and their confusing pr0n
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A Tribute To Every Wasted 40 Oz. On A Dead Homie
RedSK - For My Mom
RedSK Choppin' Up 64M Into Robotic PainFetish
Concerned About My Waste Output
I Had No Breakfast
Noise Nazi Showed Me Metal Is Gay Thnx Noise Nazi
Africanbient Part 1
Cobbler Gobbler (Insideout028 Remix)
For My Mom
Imaginary Animal Friends (Remix)
Newspapers Burning 3 Strokes Is Par
No Life Beyond A Wall Of LSD Self-Realization
Emotional Sickness (RedSK Remix)
06 RedSK - Same Song
A Cat Named Reagan
A Lashing For Ypsilanti
Bumblebee Remix
Coheed and Campbell's Soup
Duet Of The Screaming Moose And Glass Horse
Lots Of Pills Time For Dance
Diaper Full Of Blood
Bamboo Chutes Caught Up In Your Gloshes
Psychedelic Harmonica
Wipe The Sparkle From Your Horsey Face
Humiliating Death In A Crackhouse
Janis Joplin And The Black Metal Circus Go-ers