Brain Crisis | ru

Существуют как минимум 3 группы с таким названием 1) Brainstorm — латвийская рок-группа. 2) Brainstorm — немецкая пауэр-метал-группа. 3) Brainstorm (Ukr) - atmospheric death metal 1) Brainstorm (латыш. Prāta vētra) — латвийская рок-группа. Пятеро латышских парней, играющих в группе Brainstorm, знакомы практически с детства. Вокалист группы Ренарс Кауперс встретил будущего ударника Каспарса Рогу еще в детском саду. Знакомство с гитаристом Янисом Юбалтсом и басистом Гундарсом Маусевичсом состоялось уже в школе, когда парни учились в седьмом классе. Последним к друзьям присоединился клавишник и перкуссионист Марис Михельсонс – с ним Ренарс познакомился в музыкальной школе. «Именно с Марисом мы впервые придумали, что...
There are two artists represented by this name: 1)Sunbrain (japan) is J-pop Duo. consisted of Minami Yasuhiro(microman),Maruya Manabu. They form 2004. Debut [emotion] in 2005. It Was Used Japanimation [Beet The Vandal Buster] for Opening Theme. They Release [wish men], for same animation 2th Opening Theme. 2)Sunbrain was a rock band formed in Clemson, South Carolina in 1990. Sunbrain consisted of David Dondero on lead vocals and guitars, Steve Glickman on drums, Russ Hallauer (who founded Ghostmeat Records) on guitar, and Eric Nail on bass. Sunbrain broke up in 1996 after their fourth release, Liquid. .
Formed in late 1992, FANATIC◇CRISIS was a 5 man visual kei/ japanese rock band that hailed from the city of Nagoya. In November of 1992, vocalist 石月努 (Ishizuki Tsutomu), guitarist 和也 (Kazuya) and bassist Ryuji came together to form the core of the band. A year later rhythm/synth guitarist Shun joined the band, while being rounded out by support drummer タツヤ (Tatsuya). It was this incarnation of the band that released the demo tape カルマ, and the 1st and 2nd versions of the mini-album 太陽の虜 (taiyou no toriko). At this point in time, the band presented itself in a very...
Hi Guys!! We are melodic emotional rock band from Hyogo, Japan. The band was formed in January of 2007. Gt.Joey and Ba.Kunihiko was playing in the same band and in October of 2006 started to look for a new drumer. We did sessions with many drumers over and over and in June of 2007 the band became as the present members: Joey, Kunihiko, Yuta. Now we are taking part in a lot of kinds of events and gigs and striking a chord with many people. EGG BRAIN = cool guitar sound, melodious bass lines, rhythmical drums, and individual voice which...
Найдено 173 песни, продолжительность: 23:44:41
Feel Alive
Biznes Handle
Critical Samurai
Sirena Fire
Faith in the Future
Dark eyes
Children of Gulch
Neurotek Reaktor
Area Winds
Cosmos feat. Lee Kors
Neurotek Reaktor 027
Spirit whisper
Last Escape
Jungle Up
There Life