State Champs | ru

Дуэт Contrastate появился на свет в 1987 году, и его отцами-основателями были Stephen Meixner и Jonathan Grieve. Если вы хоть немного разбираетесь в истории industrial, то, очевидно, прекрасно себе представляете, какой была экспериментальная музыка в конце восьмидесятых—начале девяностых прошлого столетия. Contrastate, надо сказать, мало отличались от собратьев по сцене, и в их карьере было всё, что было присуще золотому веку андеграунда: плохие клубы, увлечение антимузыкой, экспериментаторство и полное неприятие публикой. Говорят, с одного концерта группу вообще выгнали через 3 минуты после начала выступления — от зашкаливавшего шума перегорела колонка, а публика не сочла подобное звуковое насилие музыкой. В общем, бунтарское...
Pulse State started in the late 90's as an emotional outlet for the Detroit based musician Mike Phipps, who also uses Pulse State as a pseudonym. Moving through different electronic styles during its lifetime, Pulse State has been operating in the melodic EBM, electro-pop and darkwave spheres for some years now. A few early releases paved the way for the long-awaited debut album, With a Single Step (2008). The free album, now unavailable from its original source, focused on what Mike felt were his best songs to that point, reproduced to his standards at the time. Work on new music...
Humble Electronic Warblings since 2000 and something. Discog is here - PE▲CE .
There are several artists named 'Champs' ; 1) Champs are Michael and David Champion, two brothers from the Isle of Wight's Victorian seaside retreat of Ventnor. Their debut album, Down Like Gold, was recorded at Studio Humbug, an old water tower inside the walls of Osborne House, Queen Victoria's retreat on the north of island. Designed by Prince Albert in 1845, the building has a large top floor that now houses a studio and above it all sits a glorious metal roof that acts as a natural echo chamber - a utility this band really made the most of.
Jamie Todd, Scott McGregor Moore .