Hassan Hakmoun | ru

Hassan Al Asmar (Arabic: حسن الأسمر) is an Egyptian chaabi (a.k.a. shaabi) singer and actor. He is widely known by his mawales and dramatic songs about the lives of simple Egyptian and Arabic citizens and such as the famous song Kitab Hayarti. Hassan Al Asmar has released many albums among them is cited ' Mawal Omri ',' Hila hila ',' Tajer al sabr ',' Asmariat ',' Ala fein ya hawa ',' Etkhadana ',' Kitaba hayati ',' Edalla 'helo Ya', 'Baaba there Baaba', 'Ah ya albak'. Hassan Al Asmar has played in several films such as 'Layla sakhina '(A hot night)...
Hassan Kassayi (also spelled Hassan Kassai) is a master of the Persian nay (or ney), a reed flute. He is frequently referred to as the best nay player in history. Kassayi was born on September 26, 1928 in Isfahan, Iran. His father appreciated music and his home was a popular rendezvous for musicians, among them vocalist Seyed Hosein Taherzadeh, tar player Akbar Khan Noroozi, Gholamhosein Saranj (kamancheh), Jallil and Hosein Shahnaz (tar), vocalist Esmayil Addib Khansari, vocalist Jaflal Taj Isfahani, and nay player Maestro Aboihassan Sabba. Growing up in such a home, Kassai developed a keen sense of musical and...
Африканская певица и поэтесса Марием Хассан – замечательная, можно даже сказать, великая певица, к сожалению, уже покойная. Родилась она в Западной Сахаре в 1958 году. Места это очень неблагополучные, и не только потому, что чрезвычайно засушливые и неприспособленные для оседлой жизни и сельского хозяйства. Уже почти полвека местные партизаны, объединенные во фронт Полисарио, ведут в этих трудных краях войну, которую считают освободительной: сначала против испанской колонизации, потом – против марокканских военных, которым Мадрид вынужден был передать эти африканские территории. Независимость Западной Сахары признана полусотней государств мира, но это пока не принесло жителям каменистой пустыни счастья. Ситуация в этих краях столь...
Hassan Hakmoun (Arabic: حسن حكمون‎) (b. 1963 in Marrakech) started performing on the streets of Marrakech, Morocco, as a child. Subsequently he performed for Gnawa Ceremonies, which are known for spiritual healing and trance. He soon became the "Lead Musician" of his group, learning all the music and instruments by heart, including the Santir, a three string, long necked lute. Hassan made his Western debut in 1987 at Lincoln Center, New York. Since then, Hassan and his music has been selected by Rolling Stone as one of the "Hot Picks of `94". He topped the charts with his albums "The...
Найдено 52 песни, продолжительность: 04:23:25
Lala Aisha
Rabbi Moulay / Bab-l-'Ali / al-'Afu
Baba Hammuda
Layla Layla
Dima Dima [Always]
Chabakouni 2
Danya Balmal
Rabbi Moulay / Bab-L-'Ali / Al-'Afu
Chabakouni 1
Rabbi Moulay
05 - Gnawa Music of Morocco
Sala, Allaho, Alaik
08 - Gnawa Music of Morocco
Live (Morocco)
09 - Gnawa Music of Morocco
Bu Derbala
04 - Gnawa Music of Morocco
10 - Gnawa Music of Morocco
Wa yay yay Saadiya
Through the Veil (Iran, Morocco)
Soudan Minitara (Bumbastic Mix)
Wa Yay Yay Saadiya
Sala 'Alik Dima Dima
02 - Gnawa Music of Morocco