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The Peatbog Faeries – инструментальная группа, играющая в стиле келтик-фьюжн. Группа сформировалась в 1991 году в городе Данвеган (о. Скай, Шотландия). В их творчестве сочетаются разные стили, от фолка и джаза до рока и электроники, но наибольшее влияние оказывает традиционная кельтская музыка. Уникальное звучание группы создается за счет сочетания электроники и игры на традиционных кельтских инструментах – волынке, скрипке, свирели. В альбоме Croftwork группа экспериментировала с элементами регги, танцевальной музыки и звучанием саксофона. The Peatbog Faeries дважды выигрывали звание "Live Band of the Year" на Scottish Traditional Music Awards, а также номинировались на то же звание на BBC Radio 2...
marc hug originally began the intergalactic faerie funk in response to electronic dance music culture taking itself too seriously. why else would he have chosen such a ridiculous name? i.f.f. was born at and inspired by the random monthly art, music, and malt liquor parties he had helped create at the legendary killtime warehouse in philadelphia. wanting to move on from djing and playing other peoples music, the ever evolving project began as a one man solo act using two crappy grooveboxes and two emu samplers to play strange off key textured house music. quite by accident, one night he...
Band composition: Male vocal: Curse Mackey Female vocal: Xtina X Original guitarist: Mikee Plastik Guitars, Programming: Satyr Samples & bass guitar: Pawel Mansfeld (Disenchanted Forest) Grim Faeries released a very limited 4 song self-release (released in 2000), which was followed by their only full-length album titled "Disenchanted Forest" (released in 2001). The song "Faerie Raide (remix)" was used for the trailer of the video game Ultima Worlds Online: Origin and "Love Is Hell (remix)" for the trailer of Ultima Online: 2. The group also had tracks released on several compilation albums through various labels, such as Invisible Records and Cleopatra...
Найдено 7 песни, продолжительность: 17:00
busy dying (Sped up) @xspedup