I Numi | ru

Numic is: Stephen, Dennis, Matt and John (via Iowa) all from Northern California. Numic plays & hybrid of rock and metal that retains what most music lacks these days, which is soul and musicianship. With arrangements that reflect Tool, aggression that is reminiscent of Pantera and emotion that resembles a A Perfect Circle, the music blends dynamics, emotion and melody with hooks that leave you singing it all day. Their ideas for future releases, performing concerts and long-term goals, requires picking industry professionals that are ready to help promote them to the highest level possible. The band has already taken...
Jesse Sola(Джесс Сола), американский музыкант он же основатель своего проекта Numina. Родился в 1971 году в музыкальной семье, что в настоящее время находится в Денвере, Штат Колорадо. Джесс начал записывать музыку с 20 лет , в колледже. Джесс стал экспериментировать на контрольно-измерительных приборах, использованием синтезаторов и акустических инструментов, чтобы создать глубокую музыку, которая колеблется от загадочности до путешествия к космическим мирам. Перевод с английского и редактирование осуществлено по материалам Википедии. Статья подготовлена Виталием Сторожуком. .
There is more than one artist with this name: 1) Numinous is black metal band from Finland. The band is comprised of two members. According to a press release by Northern Heritage Records in 2015, the band was put on hold around 2003 when one of the members served jail time for stabbing two people. The band resumed activity in 2011, but had to put the band on hold yet again after both members were sent to prison on assault (with a "severely oversized blade") charges. Discography: The Enormity of Evil Divine (Demo, 2003) Numinous (Full-length, 2011) Bellum in Terris...
A brazilian indie-samba band from São Paulo. Their debut CD (Brazilians on the Moon) was released in 2003, and received many good reviews. The band is now finishing the second album (Chorume). www.myspace.com/numismata www.tramavirtual.com.br/numismata .
Найдено 21 песни, продолжительность: 01:39:45
San Miguel
La Nuova Eta
Alpha Ralpha Reprise
San Miguel
San Miguel
Alpha Ralpha Boulevard
Furma Materiae Progredientis
Furma Materiae Progredientis
Alpha Ralpha Reprise
La nuova età
Alpha Ralpha Reprise
San Miguel 1971
Alpha Ralpha Boulevard1971
La Nuova Eta 1971
Alpha Ralpha Boulevard
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Luce E Gloria Per Te
Fra gli uomini e fra i Numi