Sator Arepo | ru

Dark ambient project by Cédric Codognet, a French artist who collaborated on the ASMOROD debut CD. The project was also supported by Fredrik Bergström of NO FESTIVAL OF LIGHT, Sweden. In 2007 SATOR ABSENTIA announced through various interviews a movie called "Ypsilon", supposed to be released on COLD MEAT INDUSTRY (winter 2007). Unfortunately the DVD was never released and the project suddenly ceased to exist. .
Satori is Rory Robinson, a psytrance producer currently based in Byron Bay, Australia. Rory aims to produce a darker style of psytrance but genre is not what he is defined by. His sound is constantly evolving and finding it's own place. Inspired by the hi-tech night artists of today Rory is trying to carve out a place for the 'psycore' sound in Australia. Satori has played his live show all over Australia and has releases on Melbourne based label Fish n Trips Records, also on Triplag Records. . Анджей Сатори родился 6 апреля 1969 года на Украине. С самых ранних лет Анджей интересовался мистицизмом и эзотерическими учениями Востока. Он работал организатором специальных курсов и семинаров в Институте Нетрадиционной Медицины и получил достаточно опыта, чтобы обучать основам биоэнергетики и целительства. Псевдоним «Сатори» (просветление по-японски) Анджей придумал во время практик медитации и йоги. Однажды с ним случилось «расширение сознания» и он пережил «сатори», описанное в классических текстах по дзен-буддизму. Чувство внутреннего света и блаженства длилось несколько дней. Это была встреча с его внутренним Я. Музыка Анджея Сатори предназначается для медитации, целительства и практик внутренних путешествий. Каждая композиция создает гармоничный...
Death metal band from Uppsala, Sweden. Now known as Invidious. The idea of starting a death metal band came up in winter of 2004/2005. P. Pestilence and G. Grotesque had a project called Vomit. They wanted it to sound like Entombed, Nihilist, Grave and Dismember. At the same time Adde B Obscene and A. Asphyx had the idea of a death metal band (Katalysator) and they wanted it to sound like Entombed and Sepultura etc. P. Pestilence, Adde B Obscene and A. Asphyx decided to go together and start playing and soon H. Death joined. They had their first rehersal...
Найдено 128 песни, продолжительность: 14:41:00
Sator arepo tenet opera rotas
Sator Arepo TeneT operA rotaS
Sator arepo tenet opera rotaS
Jelly Knees
Cycles (Sator Arepo Remix)
Sator Arepo TeneT operA rotaS
Sator Arepo TeneT operA rotaS
Quantum Process [ Original MIX ]
Traffic Tetris
Без названия
Modulated Brain [ Original MIX ]
Enter the Light
Chaotic Visions
Sator Arepo Tene
Modulated Brain
Chaotic Visions
Tenet Opera Rotas
The Bad Trip
Cryptographic [ Original MIX ]
Predicting The Future
Cosmic Trigger [155]
Cultivation Of The Senses
Sator Arepo
Dejavu [ Original MIX ]
Migration Of Violence ( Dark Trance )
Solitary [ Original MIX ]
Moro Mou [ Original MIX ]
Sator arepo tenet opera rotas
Invisible Force [ Original MIX ]
Nightmares Of Lovecraft
Sator Arepo TeneT operA rotaS
Sator Arepo TeneT operA rotaS
Sator Arepo
Sator arepo tenet opera rotas
Dungeon of Pain
Sator Arepo
Kirigakure Saizo
Cryptographic (154 Bpm)