Japanese Motors | ru

Japanese Motors are an alternative rock band which formed in Costa Mesa, California, United States in 2006. They consist of Alex Knost (vocals), Nolan Hall (guitar), Chris Vail (bass) and Andrew Atkinson (drums). Knost is well known as a professional surfer. They are signed to VICE Records. Their self-titled debut album - which includes the single "Single Fins & Safety Pins" - was released on VICE on October 7, 2008. .
Japanese Gum is an experimental Italian duo originally from Genova born in the spring of 2005. The band consists now of Davide Cedolin and Paolo Tortora. During first two years of activity, there was a third member, Luigi Bozzo, that now is only a collaborator. JG music is characterized by wall of delayed guitars, soft vocals, electronic glitch beats and synth pads, but it’s not right to define their sound into a specific kind: the guys are always looking for new developments and different sound solutions: from the first release “Talking. Silently e.p.”, focused on an ambient-glitch type of soundscapes,...
This indie rock powerhouse known as Japanese Sunday should be a welcome addition to the San Diego roster of quality bands. Having put together a ten song debut that floats from the eloquence similar to that of EXPLOSIONS IN THE SKY to the raucousness of acts like FUGAZI, Japanese Sunday have managed to develop a sound all their own. Songs like "First Shot Fired on a Blue A.M." and "Tigers on Ships" are easily my favorites but the guitar work on the intro and then throughout "Pinocchio, The Bleeder" almost sounds like classical Latin guitar and is fantastic. The vocals...
Formed in London, United Kingdom in 1999 by Gaverick de Vis (guitars/vocals) and Manu Ros (drums/bass), Giddy Motors were one of the most exciting bands to emerge in the dawn of the new millennium. They began as a two-piece but inevitably transformed into a trio once the live domain beckoned. However, the ever-turbulent friendship of the founders, which undoubtably provided the blueprint of their twisted composing, was to be closely reflected by the number of bass players that came and went. Allan Murray, Alex Franklinos, Gordon Ashdown, John Greenhorn and finally Justin Stone all rode the storm, but played an...
Electro act by Gerald Donald from Detroit, MI, USA. .
Найдено 5 песни, продолжительность: 23:00
Virtual Origami
Misery & Profits
Japanese Motor Car (Hot Hot Hawk Remix)