Into Paradise#3 | ru

Будущие легенды Paradise Lost образовались в 1988 году в городе Галифакс, Великобритания. Молодые ребята Ник Холмс (вокал), Грегор Макинтош (гитара), Аарон Аэди (гитара), Стив Эдмонсон (бас) и Мэтью Арчер (ударные) организовали боевой состав. Название было взято из популярной поэмы английского поэта Джона Мильтона "Потерянный рай". Первые два демо назывались «Drown in Darkness» и «Frozen Illusion». С этими двумя релизами группа и попала в когти «Peaceville Records» к середине 1990 года. Дебютная пластинка "Lost Paradise" задала основное направление на ближайшие десять лет творчества группы. Звучание «Парадайзовского» doom-death сводилось к гнетущему и тяжеловесному воспеванию страданий нашего общества. Второй альбом принёс долгожданную известность...
Billboard music award winners, "Kinto Sol" is made up of the Garcia Brothers, Manuel "Skribe", Javier "DJ Payback" and Eduardo "El Chivo". Their music is a product of their cross-culture life experiences and a common story among immigrants in search of, and in pursuit of the American Dream. The talented trio originally from Iramuco, Mexico arrived into the urban allay ways of Chicago, later relocating into the industrial landscapes of Milwaukee after the release of their debut album, "Del Norte al Sur" (From the North to The South). The pioneering success of the album captivated a corner stone into the...
Существует 2 группы с таким названием: 1.Стоунер-рок группа из Остабрюк, Германия 2. Гранж группа из Ижевска, образованная в 2014 году. На творчество группы повлияла Сиэтлская Четверка: Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Soundgarden .
Quinto Sol is a reggae band from East Los Angeles (California). The current lineup consists of Mizraim Leal, Martin Perez, Cesar Villalobos , Abel Gonzalez, Bernie Bran, Mark Spiller , Jeremy Park, David Ortega, Tezozomoc , Joaquin Pacheco, and Max O’Leary. Their music is deeply rooted in community and roots music from the Americas, to the Caribbean and Africa. Having emerged from the artist/activist community of East Los Angeles in 1993, Quinto Sol is roots-reggae woven seamlessly with Latin rhythms like Cumbia, Rumba, and son. Quinto Sol is a collective of musicians, inspired to use music as a tool for...
Intocable, started in 1993 in Zapata Texas, they're one of the most successful acts in the tejano-norteño sound of the Tex-Mex border region. Their most important albums includes Intocable IV, Contigo, and more recently, their blockbuster release X. Rámon Ayala was a major influence to the group. Ricky Muñoz is the lead singer-accordionist, "La Coqueta" (The Flirt) was one of their earliest hits (mid 90's) and was later made into a music video. Intocable endured a van crash (late 90's) in route from one concert to another in northern Mexico, and a couple of band members died. The song ,...
Найдено 151 песни, продолжительность: 19:51:12
'Step Into Paradise'
Paradise Illusion
One Step Into Paradise (Version 2000)
Back Into Paradise
Dive into hell_Dive into paradise
迷城 Trip Into Our Paradise
Into paradise!
Into the Paradise
Dive into hell_Dive into paradise
Falling Into Place (Musical Paradise)
Step into paradise
Drumming into Paradise
Headfirst Slide Into Paradise
02 - Step into Paradise
Into Paradise (Extended Mix)
Into Paradise
Dr Alex Paterson's Voyage Into Paradise
Into Paradise (Original Mix)
Into Your Eyes
Drumming into Paradise
Journey Into The Defleshed Paradise
Trapped Into Paradise
Deliver Her Into Paradise
To Dip Your Toes Into Paradise Pond
«Step into the Light» - full album
The Solution
Dye into your eyes
Path Into The Paradise
Cancer crept into paradise
Dive Into Paradise
Inundate into Paradise
VA Unity Dub's - Voyage into Paradise
One Step Into Paradise (Live Das Fest)
Into Paradise (Magnetic Mix)
into the paradise
Into The Paradise
Come into the Paradise
08. Drumming into Paradise
One Step Into Paradise (extended version)
collapse into paradise
Into the paradise
Walk Into The Paradise ^^ ( best)
One Step Into Paradise (ext...
One Step Into Paradise
Get Into The Grid (12'' Dub)