Yamato Ensemble Kozo Masuda | ru

In January of 2009, lifelong brothers Jon Lambert and Jordan Taylor sat down in a small house in Olympia, Washington US and discussed the idea of playing shows as a two piece temporarily. Once people saw them playing live, the "right" person would want to join the band, right? It only took the first show, to realize that there's something special about this band as a duo. Kozo's most recent album "kozo" was recorded in 23hrs by Jack Endino. The band decided to tune up to an F standard at the last minute, very much the opposite of what alot...
История традиционной барабанной музыки в Японии тянется с бог весть каких лохматых времён. В те самые лохматые времена барабанщики поднимали боевой дух войска перед сражением и служили средством организации передвижений пехоты на полях. Постепенно в силу действия разных причин это направление музыки стало атрибутом синтоистского культа, а игра на традиционном барабане тайко частично превратилась в прерогативу жречества. С проникновением в Японию европейских воззрений, и последовавшей милитаризацией страны, религия отошла на второй план, подрастеряв по пути влияние в миру и прерогативы за одно. Но собственно канонический облик тайко, являющегося на данный момент опорным инструментом для ансамбля "Ямато", сформировался порядка 13 веков...
The group consists of: Annette Maye, clarinets Gürkan Balka, oud, singer Murat Coşkun, percussion, singer .
The Eastman Wind Ensemble is America’s leading wind ensemble. Its core of about 50 performers includes undergraduate and graduate students of the Eastman School of Music at the University of Rochester. Frederick Fennell first formulated the general concept of the wind ensemble at Eastman more than 50 years ago. Under his leadership the group became known as the pioneering force in the symphonic wind band movement in the United States and abroad. A. Clyde Roller served as conductor between 1962 and 1964, continuing the tradition established by Fennell. Donald Hunsberger became conductor in 1965 and led the ensemble for 37...
Найдено 3 песни, продолжительность: 24:59
Yamaji (Kozo Masuda (1934-))
01 Yamaji (Kozo Masuda)