Overload Rachel Vicajji | ru

There is more than one artist with this name 1. Overload is a french melodic death metal band. One must at least once in a lifetime face human sickness... so does Overload The style and music of Overload arose since the very beginning, in 2006 : a powerful, agressive and melodic music with death metal-like vocals (violent, screamed, howled), supplemented with melodic clean background vocals, all packed up in a psycho and opressive design and touching apon a gloomy atmosphere. This is how Overload's first album "Heartbreak System" emerged in the summer of 2006. The feeback from press and listeners...
Американская певица и автор песен Rachel Ashley Platten родилась 20 мая 1981 года. Её родителей зовут Пол и Памела. Рэйчел выросла в Newton Centre, в штате Массачусетс. Изучала классическое фортепьяно с пяти лет, а в средней школе стала посещать уроки гитары. Училась в школе Buckingham Browne and Nichols, где и пела в школьной группе. В 2003 Platten закончила Trinity колледж со степенью в международных отношениях. В качестве обучающей программы, она поехала на остров Тринидад проходить практику в офисе дипломата, а также в студии звукозаписи. В то время пока она там находилась, в 2002 она спела в группе своего друга перед...
Rachelle Ann Go (born August 31, 1986) is a Filipina singer and Bench model. She rose to prominence after winning Search For A Star, hosted by fellow Filipina recording artist Regine Velasquez. Rachelle was born in Manila, Philippines . Called Shin or Shin-Shin by her friends, Rachelle's interest in singing started at a very young age. Her father predicted even before she turned a year old that she was destined to be a Star. When she turned seven, she underwent vocal training and lessons and, by the time she was nine, she participated in her very first amateur singing competition...
Rachel Alejandro is the daughter of the Philippines' legendary singer, Hajji Alejandro. .
Найдено 1 песни, продолжительность: 05:05