Odelia | ru

And somewhere on a front porch in Fullerton, California in fall 2001, Odelia was born. Originally consisting of members Jason Hensley, Daniel Johns, and Bob Lexin, veterans of an earlier group called Frank Falupa, the three decided on a new band with a more unstructured approach, incorporating loops and non-traditional rock instruments, switching off said instruments during songs, and a general DIY approach. Taking advantage of both the ease of home recording -- Hensley taped all their material either at his place or a practice studio using a basic four-track/computer setup -- and self-releasing in the 21st century, the group...
Madrid rock band that was born un 1994, with Pablo Parser (guitar), Mike Rata (bass) and Marcos Ruso (guitar). In 1995 Juan Fenicio (drums) joined the band, and in 1996 Víctor (voice). Until they edited their first LP (from Pep Record), their name was Tono Vodoo. In 2003 Juan leaves the band and is substituted by Javier Planelles. In 2005 they signed with Tool Music and in 2006 they realese Máquinas Románticas, with country, rock and modern sound such as pedal steel, synth and guitars influences, that parks their originality .