Bob Welch Friends, Christine McVie | ru

Английская рок-певица, пианист и автор текстов песен. В первую очередь известна как член британско-американской рок-группы «Fleetwood Mac», но также она записала три сольных альбома. Обладательница контральто — самого низкого женского голоса. С одиннадцати лет Кристин брала уроки классической музыки. Пять лет она изучала скульптуру в художественной школе в Бирмингеме для того, чтобы стать преподавателем изобразительного искусства. Познакомившись однажды со Стэном Уэббом и Энди Сильвестером, музыкантами группы «Shades Of Blue», выступавшей преимущественно в барах, была приглашена ими в состав группы. Через пять лет она окончила художественную школу, но к тому времени группа распалась. В поисках работы Кристин переезжает в Лондон, где...
Melissa Welch is a 16 yr old girl who lives on the top of a hill in a very boring town in California. At 13, she was interested in creating sounds to play with just to pass the time. Later on, she began music projects with her sister, Stacy, and her boyfriend, James (General Musician). They played with more organic sounds like taps and sighs, and she got into playing with her voice. After becoming familiar with her sound, she started to make music alone in secret, and shyly let it flow out into public. Then, when she got some...
Christine Anu is an Australian pop singer/songwriter/actress of Torres Strait Islander descent. She is an Australian icon, and her cover of “My Island Home” is the song that she is most known for. She studied dancing at school, thinking that it would lead her into a singing career. She has also worked as a cultural ambassador for Torres Strait Islanders, and she is associated with the "Deadlys" - the national Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander music, sport, entertainment and community awards. .
Official Web: Official Facebook: Although born in Frankfurt, Germany, Christine grew up in Colorado, earning a business degree from the University of Colorado. She discovered her love for the piano at an early age, taking piano lessons and accompanying vocal groups at school. Christine was inspired by new age pianists George Winston and Peter Kater in college, but the piano remained a gratifying hobby. She played occasionally, often at weddings for family and friends. However, it was several years later, after the loss of her mother, that she rediscovered her passion for the piano and began composing. With...
Christine Kittrell (August 11, 1929 – December 19, 2001) was an American rhythm & blues singer. In 1954 she recorded tracks for the Republic record label, two of which featured Little Richard on piano and a third with Richard as backing vocalist. Kittrell was born in Nashville, Tennessee, United States, and went on to work with Louis Armstrong, B.B. King, Paul "Hucklebuck" Williams, John Coltrane, Johnny Otis and Earl Bostic. In 1967, Kittrell was wounded while performing to troops in Vietnam, and recorded her final music in 1968. Throughout her life Kittrell recorded thirty four tracks for six separate labels....
Найдено 29 песни, продолжительность: 02:16:41
It’s What Ya Don’t Say
It’s What Ya Don’t Say
Big Town 2061 / Black Book
Rattlesnake Shake
Rattlesnake Shake
Remember Me
Remember Me
Don't Give It Up