Victory | ru

Мелодичные металлюги из Ганновера "Victory" собрались вместе в 1984 году. В состав банды вошли экс-басист "Fargo" Петер Кнорн, гитаристы Томми Ньютон и Джон Локтон (экс-"Wild horses") и ударник Берни Ван Дер Грааф. По рекомендации Рудольфа Шенкера из "Scorpions" группа получила должное руководство в лице известного менеджера Дэвида Кребса. Первым вокалистом стал приятель ударника "Скорпионов" Педро. Что-то у него не заладилось, и на освободившуюся должность попробовали взять американца Теда Баллитта. После пары концертов Тед сбежал в "Thunderhead", и тогда за дело взялся менеджмент группы, чьими стараниями в "Victory" удалось завлечь Чарли Хана, ранее работавшего с Гэри Муром и Тедом Ньюджентом. В...
Listen to and you’ll understand everything. .
Victory and Associates write rock anthems that you didn’t know you needed. Take the parts of huge classic rock you may actually WANT to turn up, mix it with the parts of indie rock that ROCK, funnel it through post-punk sensibility with driving, energetic force and you are on the trail to victory… and associates. This is the sound of giving a high five, this is the sound of being alive. Victory and Associates have been around the block, know their way around a good song and endeavor to deliver something exciting to both musician and non-musician alike. These things...
Formed in 2006 as underclassmen in high school, Victory By Revenge are five friends from Howard County, Maryland who radiate positivity through their music as well as in their everyday lives. The boys are now newcomers to the college life but their love for touring has them chomping at the bit for semesters to end and their love affair with the road to commence. Releasing their first EP, First Date Mistakes, in November of 2008, it took VBR some time to find their sound but since then they have accomplished so much because of their hands-on, persistent, and “go get...
Caitlin and Ben cascade lights-on-lights-off over a yogurt of electronic wash-pulse (Ian Weiland). A drum kit was pieced together from a beer keg, the base of a metal lamp, buckets, requisite kicks and snares, and stacks of cymbals fit for garbage. Ben and Caitlin do not each play their own separate drum kit, but rather sit next to each other, sharing the intonated trash. Some contact microphones and an echo pedal are rigged up to the beer keg and lamp base, so every time they get the girth of a drum stick they ring off like some otherworldly gong. Then,...