Adolf Satan | ru

Музыкант из Санкт-Петербурга (Россия). Настоящее имя - Алексей. Творит музыку в электронных жанрах: Ambient, Chillout, Industrial, New Age, Synthpop и т. д. В своих композициях воссоздаёт гнетущую атмосферу безысходности, картину приближающегося апокалипсиса и прочие зловещие вариации бесконечной симфонии космоса! Не обходится и без экспериментов. Рекомендуется для прослушивания на сон грядущий. Ранние записи - каверы на death metal группы, к сожалению, навсегда утерянные... .
There are multiple bands named The Satans 1. A garage rock band from LA active in the 60s Made “Makin’ Deals”. This 1966 garage classic is about selling your soul to the devil and contains the phrase, “Can you guess my name?” Reference to the Rollings Stones on “Sympathy for the Devil? 2. The Satans were formed in the summer of 2007 by Christopher Greene and Gavin Chubbs, the singer and original guitarist, respectively. They were promptly joined on the bass by Steve Dillon, and on the drums by Patrick Neary. They played their first show at a little...
Formed in 2004, in Bucharest, Romania, Satanochio wanted to keep a very dark image, the members true identity remaining unknown to this day. "The First Strike of the Possessed" E.P. was launched in early 2005. Although the press was acting in spite of this project, the material is declared sold-out in only 3 weeks. Just a month after, the drummer, Satan Imparat leaves the band. In May, Satanochio decides to make a gift to a devoted fan, at that moment with a one-man-band statute. Thus is born "The Naughty Nightfall Massacre" a 6-track release limited to one Copy worldwide(!!!). During...
Infernal Industrial band from Italy. Satanismo Calibro 9 started its activity during fall/winter 2005/2006 as solo project of Doktor Pery, transforming in the next years to a real band. .
Paolo Beltrame Итальянский проект, работающий в области dark ambient и ritual ambient. .