10814 - ★Vasco Rossi | ru

There are multiple artists with the Vasco: 1. Vasco (born December 18, 1980 in Seoul, South Korea) is a Korean underground hip-hop artist. 2. Vasco is an Italian musician. .
Васко Росси (итал. Vasco Rossi) — легендарный итальянский музыкант, на сегодняшний день автор 23 альбомов. Более 30-ти лет на эстраде. От рождения до поисков самого себя Васко Росси родился 7 февраля 1952 года в городке Дзокка (между Болоньей и Моденой). Имя дал ему отец в честь своего друга по заключению в Германии во время Второй мировой войны. Еще ребенком по требованию матери, которая очень любила музыку, Васко отдали в школу пения, а уже в 14 лет он пел в своей первой группе под названьем «Killer», позднее переименованой в более дружелюбную «Little Boys». Вскоре он переехал в Болонью, где окончил курс...
After a decade of playing bone crashing, innovative rock ‘n roll, the verdict is in. Toronto’s Staggered Crossing is an E! True Canadian success story. They’ve toured Canada on seven separate occasions, playing with the likes of Nickleback, The Guess Who, and Midnight Oil. Their fans all agree that Staggered Crossing’s high energy live show is the band’s trademark. Narrowly missing obscurity, Staggered Crossing is back in a big way with the indie release of their third studio album, Burgundy and Blue. The album weights in with the best of what Canada has to offer. “Staggered Crossing has found its...
There are at least 3 different artists sharing this name: 1.) A classic rock band http://www.myspace.com/thecrossing1111 2.) A celtic band who has been crafting music over twenty years to warm up your heart and get your feet moving. With their intricate arrangements of traditional and original Celtic tunes, the Crossing has been received enthusiastically by Celts on both sides of the Atlantic. Instrumentation includes Highland pipes, fiddle, whistle, flute, harp, guitars, bouzouki, cello, and bodhran, just to name a few. Their song lyrics express a concern for the least of God's people and a celebration of the greatness of God...
There are at least two bands sharing the name Crossing the Rubicon 1. Crossing the Rubicon are a five-piece metalcore band out of the Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia. 2. Crossing the Rubicon is a French hardcore/punk-rock band formed in Paris. .
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